Beatlemania will be faced with a new work by The Beatles which will be made by Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE), Sam Mendes, and Near Street Productions.

Director Sam Mendes will work on four feature films, which will show the perspective of each personnel and are planned to be released globally in 2027.

Pippa Harris representing the Neal Street Productions said the project was fully supported by Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, the remaining two personnel, as well as the family of better John Lennon and George Harrison.

We want this to be a unique and epic cinematic experience: four films, told from four different perspectives that tell a story about the most famous band of all time," said Pippa Harris, citing The Beatles' official website, Thursday, February 22.

"Getting the blessing of The Beatles and the Apple Corps to do this is a huge privilege," he continued.

Meanwhile, Mendes is honored to have been trusted to work on the film about the big band from Liverpool, England.

"I'm honored to be able to tell the story of the greatest rock band of all time, and excited to challenge the idea of traveling to the cinema," said Sam Mendes.

Furthermore, Tom Rothman as Chairman and CEO of Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group said the presence of the Beatles biopic will shake the world.

I know I speak on behalf of our CEO, Tonyxiquerra, who plays an important role in realizing this, and every colleague of the Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group around the world when I say Yes, yes, yes!', said Tom Rothman.

The current act of theater films must be seismic in culture. That's Sam's idea of being brave and large-scale. Putting up his first film-making team, with music and the story of four young men who changed the world, will shake the audience around the world. We are very grateful to all parties and hope to break up with Sam's unique artistic vision," he concluded.

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