JAKARTA - Waode has just released a new single entitled Bisa Without You. This song is special because no work has been released throughout 2023. Last year, he was required to focus on participating in a competition in Malaysia, Big Stage.

His struggle in neighboring country was not in vain. Thanks to his participation in Big Stage, Waode became acquainted with several music actors in Malaysia, his name became known there.

After issuing a single Bisa Without You, Waode admitted that he received a positive response from his acquaintances in Malaysia. Even the 26-year-old singer is expected to bring her new song to Malaysia.

"They also gave a positive response. And they also asked 'Come on, promo in Malaysia'. I miss you so many times, I wanted to meet you," said Waode when contacted by VOI, Monday, January 29.

Waode welcomed the request of his friends in Malaysia. He has even discussed it with the label, Trinity Optima Production.

"God willing, there will be later, it has been scheduled with Trinity, only the exact date is not yet. But there will be a plan for a promo to tour Malaysia," he said.

For information, Can Without You tell about someone who is not wanted and needed again by his lover. Even though he has tried his best to maintain a relationship, the lover's decision is unanimous and still chooses to leave. In the end, he must accept the fact that he must be able to get through his days without his idol.

In the recording process, Waode was assisted by Kamga as a vocal director. The singer from Baubau, South Sulawesi, admitted that he was happy to work with Kamga who gave him many ideas and spaces to celebrate.

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