Singer and actor Nanon Korapat returned to Jakarta through the 2023 GMMTV MUSICON concert. There is something special about his arrival this time because he just released his latest album some time ago.

Nanon sang his two singles, Why Always Me and Butterfly Effect. He also remembered that this was his third visit this year.

"This is the third time I've been here, and I'm happy. Do you miss me too!" Nanon told the audience at the Pullman Grand Ballroom, Jakarta on Saturday, December 16.

"Have you guys listened to your album The Secret of the Universe? Thank you," said Nanon again.

Feeling short, Nanon also presented Spark as the closing of his solo appearance. He was happy to meet Indonesian fans.

Nanon also collaborated with Earth Pirapat and Phuwin Tangsakiuen for the song B612 which is the original song Nanon. Fan screams continued to echo when Nanon sang his new album.

He had led the first appearance by greeting fans. I represent MUSICON here very happy. Hopefully everyone will also enjoy our performance," said Nanon.

Ending the stage, Nanon hopes to return to Jakarta soon.

"I'm really happy and hopefully next year I can come back here again," said Nanon Korapat pinning a denim jacket with a smile.

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