JAKARTA - The Mayor's band has been running for 24 years. Currently, Faank (vocals) and Apoy (guitar) are over 40 years old. Meanwhile, two other personnel will enter the age of four in the near future.

The increase in age was clearly felt by the Wali personnel. They felt they were not as strong as they used to undergo a long tour around Indonesia.

Faank admits that the Wali's gig schedule outside the city, especially those that are quite far away, is not much done. Wali prioritizes concerts at close range.

"Yes, nowadays (on stage outside the city). Yes, it's him, yes, old is definitely, everyone born will be old. Yes, thank God we have reached our current age," said Faank in Senayan, Central Jakarta, Thursday, November 30.

"Yes, sometimes we like to warn the management that the concert is close together. Because our condition is not as fresh as it used to be," he continued.

However, Faank refused if the Mayor said he did not respect the gig offer. With his family and body condition not as strong as before, there are many considerations if he has to appear outside the city.

"Not because we refuse sustenance. Because this is God's body, we need rest too, don't force ourselves to collapse. Healthy sustenance, rest sustenance," he said.

Furthermore, Faank said that what Wali personnel felt was also felt by other bands of the same age.

And it turns out that it's not only felt by the Wali. Many friends are in the same class, even seniors we also feel the same 'yes, if the distance is too far, sometimes it's not taken,' concluded Faank.

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