JAKARTA - Teuku Ryzki, Bastian Steel,l and Aldy Maldini, former Coboy Junior personnel formed a new group called TBA.

Patrick Effendy, the figure behind the formation of Coboy Junior, was re-engaged to help TBA.

At a press conference, Patrick Effendy called the concept brought by TBA different from Coboy Junior, considering that the personnel had grown from teenagers to young people.

This age difference makes songs that TBA will release in the future will have a different theme, namely young people's romance.

"What is certain is age. If you are old, you will change the song. So, what makes TBA work now is the age, the age of young people, which is still everywhere, and the music is related to them," said Patrick Effendy in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Tuesday, October 31.

"That's why we make different arrangements and change, become really young people, not small children like that, more philosophically, keep playing the music more contemporaryly, there's more to it," continued Patrick.

Patrick's collaboration with TBA personnel is also different from the past. In fact, the songs to be released are produced by their own music labels.

Patrick said that TBA personnel are currently not only thinking about music, but also other factors that support the production of a music group.

"In the past, the producers were more active, now they really know budgeting, what do they have to go out of money for. So, we are both there. We arrange the finance together," concluded Patrick Effendy.

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