Noel Gallagher Says The 1975 Music Is Not Rock But 'Sad'
Noel Gallagher (Instagram @themightyi)

JAKARTA - Noel Gallagher gave his opinion on modern rock conditions and confirmed that he was not a fan of The 1975.

In the latest episode of NME's In Conversation Series, Noel was asked if he felt his music with Oasis had much influence on musicians at this time.

He then said he felt guitar music had become "arranged". He also denied the assumption of The 1975 as a rock band.

"The oasis influencer, I think, is for people to start a band from the start," he said.

I did meet a lot of people who said it and it was good. There are many of them around us, just a shame guitar music is marginalized. You have to be rock, or [The] 1975 that trash. At BRITs, The 1975 won Best Rock or something like that.

I watched it with my kids, two teenage boys, thinking, 'Are I an angry parent, or is this nonsense?' They both said, 'Oh no, this is bad luck'.

"1975, Best Rock Band? Someone should immediately redefine it, because it's... I don't know what it is, but for sure it's not rock music. Whatever rock is, it's not that."

Although Noel is not a fan of The 1975, he mentioned several artists he prefers more.

Kasabian has the same spirit as Oasis. When we first met them, it was like meeting my crazy sister's boyfriend," he said.

I recognize something in their spirit. Tom and Serge remind us of us.

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