JAKARTA - Singer, songwriter, and producer Rayhan Noor seeks to express his life's struggles through his latest single entitled Dari Balik Jendela which is released under the label Sun Eater.

"This song Dari Balik Jendela is my struggle with dark thoughts that try to make me believe that the world has forgotten me. That, no matter how hard I try, I will not be able to imitate the joy of the world and all the people who fill my life," said Rayhan, quoted from Antara, Thursday.

Rayhan said he had been inspired to work on Dari Balik Jendela since the end of 2020 when he was experiencing his lowest point as a musician.

In the midst of his contemplation, Rayhan realized something about his life so far which then changed his perspective on the dark and light of the world.

"I am aware of the sad fact that despite the ups and downs that I have faced, the world still goes on," said Rayhan.

"From that awareness, I also had difficulty denying my feelings of hopelessness, including my feelings of insecurity and jealousy towards the world around me," he continued,

Thus, Rayhan said Dari Balik Jendela is one of his most personal works.

"From Behind the Window is a type of work that no other musician except myself could produce. This is my story. This means that only I fully understand how to convey the emotions that I feel to listeners," said Rayhan.

Dari Balik Jendela will later become part of Rayhan's debut album entitled Menjelang Tiga Puluh which is scheduled for release on June 21, 2023, coinciding with Rayhan's 30th birthday.

Rayhan also said that the debut album would be an autobiography of himself who was about to welcome a new chapter in life.

"This album is a record of my life for the past decade. A series of self-realizations which then gave way to life goals which, in fact, are very simple," he said.

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