JAKARTA - Success was held in various regions ranging from Banten, Yogyakarta, Balikpapan to Malang, now the series of Maxi Yamaha Day 2024 events is taking place in South Sulawesi.

More than 700 consumers of various Yamaha motorcycle models, bothiri and Nmax, gathered to packed the Puncak Lolai, in North Toraja to feel the sensation of Riding & Camping which was indeed the main concept of Maxi Yamaha Day this year.

At this event, the theme The Magical of Tanah Toraja was raised so that various exotic ornaments felt so thick at the event location. The carving-shaped ethnic ornament called Passura Toraja can be found on the walls of the traditional houses of the community around Puncak Lolai.

In addition, the magical impression of Toraja is increasingly felt optimally with a design tenant and booth that combines wood visualization with rocks, where the two elements are widely used in traditional Toraja community houses.

General Manager of PT Suraco Jaya Abadi Motor (SJAM) as the Main Dealer of Yamaha in the South and West Sulawesi areas, said that the Maxi Yamaha Day event has always been a place that the bikers in South Sulawesi have been waiting for. Moreover, this event was held in a tourist area that is very famous for its natural beauty and cultural uniqueness, namely Tanah Toraja.

"The road to go there which is dominated by mountains is expected to facilitate the driving hobby of MAXI Yamaha skutik lovers. And it can also be an event to try out the sensation of Nmax TURBO driving in conquering inclines and derivatives," he said, in his official statement received, Thursday, September 12.

The 5th event of Maxi Yamaha Day 2024 itself started with a long distance touring activity of hundreds of kilometers which took departure points from 4 cities, namely Makassar, Pinrang, Sidrap and also Palopo.

After that, the group immediately left for the Lolai highlands dubbed the 'Negeri on the Clouds'. Arriving there, the participants were immediately greeted with the natural beauty of the land of Toraja which presents the ranks of the Enrekang, Rantekombal and Latimojong mountains.

The event then continued with the opening ceremony featuring a typical South Sulawesi dance as well as community games that tested cohesiveness among members. Not only that, the modified competition featuring the ranks of Maxi Yamaha lattices from the competition for local modifiers also colored the location of the method.

High appreciation for holding the Maxi Yamaha Day event in the South Sulawesi area which took place on September 7-8, many came from the participants who took part. As stated by Iwan, one of the communities who was also present at the event.

"This is the fourth time I have been present at Maxi Day, and Toraja is the most memorable because the touring distance is very far from Makassar for 8 hours," said Iwan.

Not only arriving in Toraja, the series of Maxi Yamaha Day 2024 events with the concept of Ride & Camp will then continue to the Singkawang area on September 14 15. For Maxi Yamaha's bikers around North Kalimantan, they can close ranks.

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