JAKARTA - The intensity of rain at the beginning of the year began to increase in a number of areas in Indonesia and it was necessary to watch out for every two-wheeled user. Not without reason, in addition to the slippery road surface due to wet, high-intensity rain also often makes several roads that are passed flooded or even flooded.

Even though there is a risk, not a few motorcycle users continue to travel in the pouring rain. Therefore, it is important for them to understand what things must be considered when they want to drive in the rainy season. Whether it's in terms of the condition of motorbikes, how to drive, driving equipment, to understanding the routes and routes that will be passed.

Recent intense rainfall requires motorcycle users to increase their vigilance while driving. Because with wet and inundated road conditions, of course, the risk of accidents becomes greater. For this reason, a high focus, careful preparation and understanding of good driving and proper lane selection are important points to maintain safety riding when driving in a rainy season like this," said Muhammad Arief, YRA & Community Speaker of PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg, in his statement, Wednesday, January 24.

The following are tips from the Yamaha Riding Academy (YRA) regarding the procedures for riding motorbikes in the rainy season.

In terms of preparation, the first thing that must be checked by motorbike users before driving is to ensure that their motorbikes are in good condition. In the rainy season, there are several motor components that have a vital and important role to check, such as tires that function to maintain traction to the road surface, lighting that helps visibility, braking systems for speed deceleration on road surfaces that are wet and slippery, as well as several other driving support components.

If there are motor components that you feel need to be checked further or even replaced, Yamaha motorcycle consumers can take advantage of the My Yamaha Motor application.

Raincoats are one of the driving equipment that must be carried during the rainy season because of its function which can minimize the clothes of motorists to become wet and also relieve the exposure of the wind and cold air directly to the body. It's good,

The driver chooses a raincoat in the form of a 2-piece color that is bright to be easily identified by other motorists.

When driving when it rains, the selection of routes also supports safety factors in driving. Avoid roads that often occur inundation or floods. Because if a motorist is desperate to hit a flooded road, in addition to being dangerous, a motorbike can also be seriously damaged.

Rainy conditions that make slippery roads and limited visibility must of course be addressed by driving wisely. Such as not driving at high speeds and often preceding other motorists. In addition, avoid suddenly braking because when the road is slippery, of course, tire traction to the asphalt becomes not optimal so that the risk is to slip. It's better to keep your distance safe and drive at moderate and constant speeds.

When the intensity of the rain is very heavy, drivers should immediately stop and not continue driving because the visibility that must be disrupted and the puddles on the road make the motorcycle difficult to control. At the time of the pull over also make sure the location is safe, such as not under the bridge, underpass, or other public spaces that can disrupt traffic flow and cause traffic jams.

Motorcycles that are driven when it rains usually become dirty due to mud and attached soil so that they can cause carat. Therefore, it is better to immediately wash the motorbike that has been used and lubricate the damaged parts, such as side and center standards, footstep, and motorcycle legs. Then also check the condition of the oil and busy to make sure no water enters.

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