JAKARTA - Chinese tech giant Xiaomi will launch the latest YU7 model from their electric vehicle division in June and on Thursday, March 13, Chinese government documents reveal that the electric crossover SUV has an astonishing distance, reaching 770 kilometers!

According to Reuters, this information comes from a document from the Chinese Ministry of Industry stating that YU7 is included in the list of new models that get purchase tax incentives. This vehicle, which combines traditional SUV crossover designs with battery electric driving, is also available in a 675 km and 760 km distance variant.

This is a big step for Xiaomi in the electric car market competition, especially in the SUV segment. Especially with a distance of up to 770 km, Xiaomi YU7 is ready to challenge the dominance of the Tesla Model Y which is highly liked globally even in China itself.

Tesla itself has just updated their Model Y, with a long-range variant now offering 719 km, increasing from 688 km. While the rear drive variant has a distance of 593 km, from the previous 554 km.

As Xiaomi's first electric SUV, YU7 is expected to attract the attention of consumers looking for high-performance environmentally friendly vehicles.

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