JAKARTA - Mooneaters developers have announced that their Everdream Village games will be released for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam and GOG.

While there is no exact launch date yet, the game from Untold Tales and VARSAV Game Studios will be released for the first time in Early Access for PC via Steam in 2025, and will be followed by full releases on all platforms in the future.

Everdream Village is a fun farming adventure game where you will build an ideal village for life and development.

"Create and maintain personal ties with fellow villagers so that they will in turn help, help grow crops, care for your animals, and help maintain the corner of your paradise," wrote the game's caption on Steam.

Pengembang mengungkapkan bahwa Everdream Village merupakan evolutionary selanjutnya dari Everdream Valley, yang hadir dengan mekanisme baru, dunia yang lebih besar, dan sistem yang lebih dalam.

Befriend with other NPCs, and manage their moods, or maybe even find love among them. The villages you build and manage will affect each person's feelings and behavior from various factors.

So, don't forget to add decorations, take care of pets, get rid of pests, or do other things to make your place a fun place.

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