JAKARTA Memories of today, six years ago, February 2, 2019, the well-known Indonesian band, Nidji officially appointed Yusuf Ubay as his new vocalist replacing Giring Ganesha. The decision was greeted with joy by Nidji fans throughout the archipelago.

Previously, Giring's distinctive voice had accompanied the long journey of the band Nidji. Giring is an important part of Nidji's breaking into the Indonesian music scene. The problem arose when Giring began to be active in politics through the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI). He likes to no longer have time to perform with Nidji.

Success efforts in the Indonesian music scene are not easy. Giring Ganesha (vocals), Andi Ariel Harsya and Ramadhista Akbar (guitar), Randy Danistha (keyboards, synthesizers), Andro kapitoro (bass), and Adri Prakarsa (drums) have felt it.

They also formed a band in 2002. Nidji, his name. The band taken from Japanese means that the rainbow makes music a forum for creativity. They try to mix rock-to-pop nuanced music.

The results were brilliant. The label of famous Indonesian music, Musica Studios glanced at it. Nidji was awarded a contract to make a music album. Nidji fully replied to that trust in 2006. They released their first album titled Breakakthru'.

The material for the song on the album was mostly able to seize the Indonesian market. These songs include Deleting Aku, Already, When I Fall in Love, to Disco Lazy Time. Nidji also achieved fame. Giring as the vocalist became the best known.

Giring's energetic stage action often caught the attention of his fans. Nidji's existence continues. Giring's greatness as a singer and songwriter was tested when Nidji received a film background song-making project for Laskar Pelangi and succeeded in 2008.

Nidji's album later became a success. The only thing that interfered with Nidji's career in the music scene was Giring's desire to swerve from the band's child to politics. PSI's political vehicle too. This condition made Giring resign in early 2018. Focus on a political career is one of the reasons.

"It took a long time (the permit) was like Giring said a year and a half. Actually, there was a tough one but the name was also a trip, there was something to pass. So it's okay to have a different opinion, it's to complete it."

"Yes, indeed we have been friends for years, so it's hard not to be together. We have to respect Giring's decision, maybe it's the way it is," said Nidji guitar player Rama as quoted by the Kumparan.com page, January 16, 2018.

Giring's resignation made the band Nidji take a gig break for a while. However, the personnel and labels are still moving to find the right replacement for the vocalist position. The search was not easy. The figure of Giring is like Nidji's life.

Nidji did not lose his mind. They also found 10 candidate singers who could change Giring's position as vocalist. At its peak, the audition was conducted. Nidji also officially announced Yusuf Ubay, who in fact was a contestant for Indonesian Idol 2014 as a new vocalist to replace Giring on February 2, 2019.

The announcement was made during the Nidji reunion concert titled Dream is Key 2019 in Bandung. The election of Yusuf Ubay is considered by Nidji personnel to bring blessings. Nidji is preparing a new album as well as Yusuf Ubay's introduction to their fans. Nidji hopes that with the new vocalist they can return to success, even beyond the success of Giring as a vocalist.

"Welcome @yusufubay29 to Nidji's extended family, as a new vocalist who continues the struggle @giring who has worked with us for 17 years and now my father. Our best prayers are for you. May your journey this year and so on together we will always be given the best by him, amen," wrote Nidji @nidjiofficial's official Instagram account two days after the stipulation of Yusuf Ubay, February 4, 2019.

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