JAKARTA Memories of today, seven years ago, September 19, 2017, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) appealed to the government to issue a special book related to the events of the September 30th Movement (G30S) of the PKI. The appeal is considered important so that the Indonesian people have official guidelines for understanding the G30S.

Previously, the G30S incident was the Islamic period in the history of the Indonesian nation's journey. The kidnapping and killing of Indonesian Army generals led to a major disaster. The incident provoked a massive massacre.

The G30S incident in 1965 often made an impression on the memory of the Indonesian people. The incident was considered a heinous treason attempt carried out by kidnapping and killing Indonesian Army generals. As a result everywhere.

The TNI also moved quickly to break the chain of rebellion and succeeded. The Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) is considered the mastermind. This condition made the government and the people immediately comb through PKI sympathizers.

Massacres and murders occurred. The victims were piled up. Recently, the Indonesian government used communism as a forbidden understanding. The government even deliberately made the G30S event continuously presented in memory, especially the New Order (Orba) era.

However, research related to the G30S incident continues to grow. The government did not forget to thoroughly investigate the human rights violations that occurred after the G30S PKI. This effort was tried by the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) government.

The government formed a joint team from the Attorney General's Office, Komnas HAM, TNI, Indonesian Police, legal experts, and community representatives to resolve alleged past gross human rights violations related to the G30S/PKI. The government is concerned about the fall of many victims.

The government wants the families of victims to get justice. The government also does not want divisions to continue. However, re-revealing the perpetrators of violence and dragging them to court is not easy.

"From the judicial approach, an in-depth study of the incident has been carried out. From the criminal law study of the incident, it is included in the category of the principles clear and present danger. The state can be declared in a state of danger and real, so the actions related to national security are a rescue measure," said the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Wiranto as quoted by the ANTARA website, October 1, 2016.

MUI also spoke up. They then asked the government to immediately make official guidelines regarding the G30S/PKI incident on September 19, 2017. The official guide was in the form of a book to read the true history of the nation.

MUI admits that the G30S incident is still confusing. Who is the real mastermind is still a polemic as historical research emerged. The vacancy is considered by MUI to be immediately patched by the government by removing the official version of the rebel movement.

The goal is so that people no longer have disagreements regarding the G30S incident. MUI hopes that the Indonesian people, especially those who are Muslims, will forgive each other for those involved in the G30S. All of this is so that future generations will no longer be burdened with past history.

"So that there is no other historical version that can mislead society. So that as a nation we are not burdened by past history, and as a nation we can continue to re-knit national and Indonesian values in the spirit of brotherhood, humanity and solid justice," said Deputy Chairperson of MUI, Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi as quoted on the vivanews.com page, September 19, 2017.

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