JAKARTA Memories of today, seven years ago, May 13, 2017, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Pulhukam), Wiranto emphasized that the government's plan to dissolve the Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) mass organization was final. The dissolution was carried out because HTI insisted on upholding Khilafah Islamiyah.

Previously, HTI insisted that Indonesia implemented a caliphate system. The mass organization considers that the democratic system actually brings a lot of harm, rather than benefits. That understanding was then criticized.

HTI's efforts to introduce the Islamic system of caliphate are increasingly massive. There are many supporters. Student circles, especially. Instead of students wanting to struggle to monitor the government's work, a group of students began to want to replace democracy with a caliphate system.

HTI views the democratic system as boring. The electoral system by voting is unable to reflect the elected leader is the best. HTI also wants a caliphate system. The Islamic state is the main answer of all kinds of national dynamics.

HTI's breakthrough is not only targeting students. They also tried to attract middle-class sympathy by da'wah to mosques and book surgery. However, HTI's desire to spread the caliphate system was not smooth.

HTI's efforts actually received opposition. The system is considered incompatible with Indonesia, and is against Pancasila. The opposition is because Indonesia is multi-cultural. It may be that Islam is the majority, but religious diversity in Indonesia cannot be underestimated.

This understanding, if forced, will dampen an instigative attitude and could lead to national disintegration. Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Wiranto took a stand. He plans to dissolve the mass organization.

Wiranto actually saw that HTI had no intention of playing a positive role in the development of the Indonesian nation. Their breakthrough is actually considered to have the potential to cause division.

"After careful assessment, and careful consideration, the government needs to take legal steps. Steps to dissolve Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) throughout Indonesia"

"First, Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) did not take a positive role in taking part in the development process to achieve national goals. Second, the activities carried out by HTI are strongly indicated to be contrary to the goals, principles, and characteristics based on Pancasila and as regulated in Law number 17 of 2013 concerning mass organizations," Wiranto said as quoted on the BBC website, May 8, 2017.

The government's desire to dissolve HTI has received opposition. Dissolution is considered not in accordance with democratic principles. In fact, there is an issue that the government puts HTI as a form of allergies to Islamic da'wah.

Wiranto spoke again on May 13, 2017. He said the plan to dissolve HTI was final. The dissolution is not a form of allergies to Islamic da'wah. Wiranto emphasized that HTI's political breakthrough could disrupt national stability.

He said it was legal for HTI to take legal steps regarding the disbandment plan. However, he ensured that the plan to dissolve HTI must continue. Then, the dissolution of HTI was actually carried out on July 19, 2017. The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Law and Human Rights officially revoked the status of HTI's legal entity.

"Yes, how? How can we allow it? We just ignore it? We can't. Any reason, we can't because even though we are a democratic country, a country that has the freedom to express opinions, but there are limits, freedom is limited, what are the limits? law. When it violates the law we will solve it," said Wiranto as quoted by the coverage page 6.com, May 13, 2017.

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