JAKARTA Memories of today, five years ago, April 25, 2019, the former Vice President (Vice Vice President) of the 2009-2017 era, Joe Biden officially announced himself participating in the US Presidential Election. He will run as a candidate for a presidential candidate from the Democratic Party.

Biden wants to restore democratic values in Uncle Sam's country. Previously, Biden was known as an accomplished politician. His career in politics has been going on for a long time. This condition made the Democratic Party approve of campaigning for Obama as Vice President.

The famous lawyer swerved into politics, not a new story in the US political world. Joe Biden has felt it. In fact, the political stage can actually skyrocket his name. He qualified to be a member of the US Senate from Delaware from 1973 to 2009.

His work as a senate is quite classy. Biden oversees many foreign affairs to US policies against drugs. Biden's vocals often bring admiration. The Democratic Party then gave Biden the opportunity to accompany Barack Obama in the political contestation of the 2009 US Presidential Election.

Biden had no problem if Obama was younger than him. The duet then brought blessings. Both were able to win in the 2019 presidential election, then won again in the second term in the 2012 presidential election.

Obama-Biden's popularity is increasing. Both complement each other. Obama even discussed a lot with Biden on state affairs. All because Biden has sensitivity to national problems. Biden is considered Obama is able to move quickly if there are problems such as a budget crisis.

Obama's admiration peaked. Obama proudly contributed to Biden's prestigious award at the White House on January 12, 2017. The award is the Medal of Freedom. A top award for US civilians.

Biden is considered Obama to have a significant contribution to the US national interest. Biden is happy to accept it. Even though he was quite surprised.

"You (Obama) are more than just keeping your commitment to me, saying that you want me to help in government. I can say that I am part of the journey of an extraordinary man who did extraordinary things for this country," Biden said as quoted by Michael D. Sliding in his writing entitled Obama Surprises Joe Biden with Presidential Medal of Freedom (2017).

His political career as Vice President ended in 2017. All kinds of speculation related to Biden's next move emerged. Biden is considered to have immediately withdrawn from the US political map. However, there are also those who say Biden will actually prepare himself for the 2020 presidential election.

The speculation arose because Biden often disagreed with the political steps taken by President Donald Trump. Many people have asked about his possible candidacy. Biden only replied: don't say he never will.

The US people's curiosity was also answered on April 25, 2019. He officially announced that he would participate in the 2020 presidential election through a video uploaded to his social media account on Twitter @JoeBiden.

Biden plans to compete with other Democratic candidates to become presidential candidates. Biden in the video also mentioned the dangers if Trump continues to rule.

"The main values of this nation, our position in the world, our democracy, everything that has made America, are currently at stake. That is why, today I announce my candidacy for the President of the United States," Biden wrote on his Twitter account, April 25, 2019.

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