JAKARTA - Today's memory, 15 years ago, April 7, 2009, former President of Peru, Alberto Fujimori was sentenced to 25 years in prison. The sentence was given by the court because during his tenure Fujimori violated human rights a lot. Fujimori was proven to be involved in the kidnapping and murder of opposing groups.

Previously, Fujimori was considered the savior of the Peruvian economy. He was then elected as Peru's number one person in 1990. Fujimori was initially able to crush the rebellion and tame inflation.

The leadership of the President, Alan Garcia in the 1985-1990 era did not bring much change to peru. Garcia is considered a leader who failed to tame inflation. The people of Peru then became victims. People's per capita income plummeted. Poverty also mushroomed.

This condition makes Garcia have to use the option of foreign debt to build and move the wheels of government. The only hope for the whole of Peru that wants change is through the 1990 Presidential Election.

The presidential election was followed by two new faces who competed strongly. The only Chancellor of Peru's National Agrarian University, Alberto Fujimori. The other is the world's famous novelist, Mario Vargas Llosa. The battle for Peruvian bar leaders was fierce.

The political promises of the two are not much different. Moreover, the matter of fighting inflation. This condition brings a strong smell of competition. Mario excels in the first round. Then, Fujimori turned things around in the second round.

Fujimori was then appointed as the new President of Peru in 1990. He did not necessarily relax first. Fujimori immediately stepped on the gas by starting to realize his political promises. He brought Peru to fight against the rebels.

The economic instability is trying to be returned by Fujimori and successful. He also immediately released all people who were held hostage by the rebels. The breakthrough was fully supported by the Peruvian people. Fujimori is also known as a figure with high courage.

He dared to dissolve parliament because the legislature did not want to support the pro-people's policy in 1992. Fujimori understands that the people who are perched as representatives of the people are the old elites who mostly come from the land owner's family. Fujimori thought they did not understand how the people suffered.

Fujimori also brought himself closer to the military. Fujimori's move was supported by all Peruvian people, even though it violated the constitution. However, the existence began to fade as Fujimori's government was run with authoritarian'machines' and corruption.

"Fujimori, who rose to president because of the support of small business groups and the common people, applies macroeconomic policies that tend to be deregulation, which emphasizes various facilities and subsidies that have been enjoyed by traditional elite groups."

Director of Investigation of Markets, Manuel Saavedra sees the People of Peru feel, with 12 years of democracy, all they get is corruption, chaos, hunger, and malnutrition. So, Fujimori does have to do deregulation," wrote Bambang Harymurti in his writing in Tempo Magazine entitled Kudeta A President (1992).

The corrupt and authoritarian actions of the Fujimori regime are like ulcers that are difficult to eliminate. The embezzlement of state money continues. One of them is by purchasing illegal weapons. Later a special commission for dealing with corruption of the Fujimori regime was formed. Fujimori's comorbidity who led with an iron fist was opened one by one.

Fujimori then chose the option of escaping abroad. He seemed not to want to be tried. He resigned through a faction and settled in Japan in 2000. Problems arose. His desire to participate in the 2006 Peruvian Presidential Election emerged. He tried to return to Peru in 2005. However, he was arrested in Chile and handed over to the Peruvian government.

The arrest paved the way for the Peruvian government to retrial Fujimori's past sins. Penculikan dan pembuhan jadi yang utama. Empunya kuasa hingga melibatkan 80 saksi, 160 sesi dan putusan selegal 711 halaman. As a result, setelah sidang yang panjang, Fujimori dijatuhi dijatuhi hukuman 25 tahun penjara oleh pengadilan negara pada 7 April 2009.

"The last trial was held at the police headquarters of special forces outside the capital, Lima. The Fujimori trial was the first time a democratically elected Latin American leader has been tried in his own country for human rights violations. This court states that four charges against him have been proven without any doubt," Judge Cesar San Martin was quoted as saying by Rory Carroll on The Guardian's website entitled Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori Sentened to 25 Years (2009).

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