JAKARTA Memories of today, 11 years ago, April 1, 2013, Mahfud MD officially stopped serving as Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK). Mahfud feels that his tenure in the Constitutional Court has expired. Even he has no intention of extending his duties as the number one person in the Constitutional Court.

Previously, the existence of Mahfud MD as a state official was unquestionable. He had held ministerial positions in the era of Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) administration. He was also once a representative of the people, then served as a constitutional judge.

Mahfud MD's career as a classy state official in the era of Gus Dur's administration. The constitutional law expert is trusted by Indonesia's number one to become Minister. He was appointed as minister twice. First, the Minister of Defense. Second, the Minister of Justice and Human Rights.

Mahfud lived this position with joy. Problems arise. Gus Dur's power immediately stepped down. Mahfud began to look for a new political arena. He received his blessing to become the people's representative of the National Awakening Party (PKB).

The blessing made him sit in the Senayan Parliament. He served as a member of the DPR for the 2004-2008 period. Mahfud tried to be a defender of the people. However, the DPR is not the right place for him to shine. He saw that the DPR was ineffective in defending the interests of the people.

He considered that many members of the DPR spent a lot of time around non-essential matters. The trial of the people's council was never resolved. He likes to agree with Gus Dur's assumption that the DPR is noisy like a kindergarten (TK).

He also began to move closer to his dream of struggling in his discipline: law. He began to solidify his steps to participate in the fit and proper test of the candidate for constitutional judges. Mahfud was able to excel and be elected by the DPR as a Constitutional Justice.

On March 16, 2008, Mahfud was elected as Constitutional Justice. Shortly after, on August 19 in the same year, he replaced Jimly Asshidigie as Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court. At the Constitutional Court, Mahfud seemed to have rediscovered his world.

He revealed: I have inner satisfaction as a constitutional judge. At the DPR all my arguments in discussing certain problems evaporated. So it's no longer a matter of material matter, written in the book Petarung Politik (2014).

Mahfud's leadership in the Constitutional Court was praised a lot. Many Constitutional Courts present important decisions under their powers. Take, for example, the decision on the position of chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to the civil status of children born out of marriage.

Mahfud felt that his service at the Constitutional Court was sufficient. He also reported to the DPR that his term of office would soon be Tuesday. Mahfud completely ended his position as Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court on April 1, 2013. The decision was unanimous. Mahfud didn't even want to extend the task.

"There is some kind of confusion about the news saying I'm resigning. I'm not resigning but reporting to the DPR that my tenure was completed on April 1 and I asked to stop because my term of duty was over."

"Because I will not extend the task. And according to the law, six months before the end of the term of office, I had to report. Actually, I reported two months ago, October 1, I sent a letter and received the chairman of the DPR. It's just that this became a fuss because Commission III only discussed yesterday, then it was opened by reporters, how come Mr. Mahfud resigned? Even though no, it's been 2 months according to the law," Mahfud explained as quoted on Detik.com page, November 22, 2012.

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