JAKARTA - Citra Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the leader of Iran's example is second to none. His life in the world of politics is troubling. In accordance with Tehran, he was amazed by his performance as Mayor of the State Capital City (IKN). He was transformed into a perfect definition of an official who worked for the people.

The narrative is not just an empty message. He did not want to be privileged as a public official with all the flashy facilities. The salary as an official was not taken. Ahmadinejad's only income is his small salary as a lecturer.

Poverty is often an important lesson of life. That is what Mahmoud Ahmadinejad experienced. The man who was born in Aradan, Iran, October 28, 1956, was not born into a wealthy family. His father only works as a iron maker.

A profession that is relied on to support Ahmadinejad and his six brothers. In fact, this limitation is not an obstacle. This limitation made his father enthusiastic about working and trying his fate from Aradan to Tehran.

Their lives are a little better. Instead of his father only prioritizing religious education, Ahmadinejad was directed to pursue public education. His work in studying went smoothly.

Ahmadinejad can even access universities. He is listed as a student majoring in development engineering at the Iranian University of Science and Technology (IUST). Ahmadinejad took advantage of his time as a student.

He began to hone his sensitivity to the surrounding environment. Ahmadinejad saw that the Iranian people were many customers under the power of the monarchy. He also moves as a student activist who supports change.

He fully supports Iran's great leader, Ayatollah Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini, who took power and succeeded. Ahmadinejad even took part as a fighter in the Iraqi-Iran War. Education was not forgotten.

He continued to study until he earned a doctorate at IUST. The high education did not worry him. He chose two careers at once. As a public official and lecturer at his alma mater. At its peak, he was elected Mayor of Tehran.

After two years as governor of the Maku district, in 1982 Ahmadinejad was transferred to Khoy, an area in West Azerbaijan. Ahmadinejad followed the military obligations set by the state after completing his studies following the Kirkuk operation in 1986-1988. Ahmadinejad worked with Revolutionary Guards for two years as a member of the zeni corps.

In 1993 Ahmadinejad became chief minister of higher education and culture before becoming governor general of Ardabil province, Azerbaijan's border area and the new Kaspia sea became administrative areas. On May 3, 2003 Ahmadinejad was appointed Mayor of Tehran, "explained Menik Lestari and Tri Yuniyanto in his writing in the Candi Journal entitled Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Study of the Thoughts and Impact of Political Thoughts 2005-2012 (2013).

Ahmadinejad's move as Mayor of Tehran and lecturer at IUST went smoothly. Ahmadinejad managed to balance between being a servant of the people and educators. His achievements as Mayor of Tehran were no less flashy.

Ahmadinejad was able to build Tehran well. Infrastructure is widely built. Likewise with its human resources. Ahmadinejad's popularity also increased as he stood as the main defenders of the poor in cities and Islam.

He sided with those who did not have it, compared to those with capital. This figure is able to move the wealth owned by the state to be fully used for the welfare of the people. He was even nicknamed the Robin Hood Islam.

Living to defend the people is not only in the form of political studies, Ahmadinejad has applied a simple lifestyle to his personal life. He prefers to call himself a public servant. His large salary as Mayor of Taheran was never taken.

He did not want to touch the classy facility as a public official. Ahmadinejad chose himself to mingle with the people of Tehran. Ahmadinejad's only salary was his salary as a lecturer at IUST.

The salary is too small to support his family. The amount is only if the rupiah exchange rate only reaches Rp2.5-3.5 million. The simplicity was greeted with great fanfare. All Ahmadinejad's struggles to defend the people finally filled him when he participated in a high-level political contestation: the 2005 Iranian presidential election.

He was able to win and skyrocket as the new President of Iran. The image of Ahmadinejad's simplicity is also admired by many world celebrities. It is said that the image of simplicity that has become Ahmadinejad's lifestyle is also applied by Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in participating in the 2014 presidential election political contestation and winning.

Two years later, when elected President of Iran, Nejad's behavior did not change. Shortly after being sworn in, the important thing he first did was announce his wealth. Consisting of a 1977 Peugeot 504 sedan, a house inherited from his father on the outskirts of Tehran, and a minimum-balanced bank account. No securities and diamond gold, let alone those ordered and carved from subscription stores."

The only income that goes into his account is only a monthly salary as a lecturer of p. 2.5 million. Nejad said his entire wealth belongs to the state and he only has to look after it. Then, every time he goes to the presidential office from his shabby private home, he also only brings a few laps of his wife's fresh bread for breakfast or lunch. His sleep is on the carpet, near his desk," said Rusdi Mathari in the book Aleppo (2020).

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