JAKARTA - Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno were able to win the 2017 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election. Both were asked to become the new Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta. One by one the campaign promises were realized. However, Sandi was reluctant to be satisfied.

He looked at the political contestation of the 2019 Presidential Election. All of this was based on the desire to do something bigger for Indonesia. He also wants to avoid conflicts of interest during campaigns. This step was realized by resigning from the position of Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta.

Entrepreneurs entering political arenas are commonplace. Sandiaga Uno had done it. The former chairman of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) from the 2005-2008 era was immediately pegged to accompany Anies Baswedan in the 2017 DKI gubernatorial election.

The Cagub and Cawagub pair appeared promising. Both were promoted by two major parties, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and the Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra). Promises and programs are prepared to attract the whole of Jakarta.

Program itu antara lain Oke-Oce dan Ok-Otrip (now: Jak Lingko). Oke Oce digagas untuk menciptakan banyak lapangan kerja. Sedang Ok-Otrip digagas untuk integrasi sebagian besar transportasi umum di Jakarta.

The two flagship programs made Anies-Sandi confident against their competitors. First, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) and Djarot Saiful Hidayat. Second, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) and Sylviana Murni.

At first, the goddess Fortuna did not side with Anies-Sandi. Existing surveys often place them under the Ahok-Djarot pair. The political map only changed when the gubernatorial election entered the second round. AHY-Sylvi's defeat benefited Anies-Sandi.

The voice of supporters led to Anies-Sandi. The campaign began to be encouraged. The party engine began to heat up the competition stage again. Even though there were some sympathizers who started using the black campaign. However, political contestation only provides two spaces, winning and losing.

Anies-Sandi was also the elected Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta. Both of them were plenaryly inaugurated on October 16, 2017. Since then both of them began to realize their big ideas and programs for Jakarta. Instead of only focusing on the development of Jakarta, both of them also focus on eradicating corruption.

"We are a family of born anti-corruption drugs. I tell everyone that our parents, who founded this republic, may have different thoughts. But one thing they say, We have never helped from this republic. I want to keep that tradition."

"We don't want Jakarta to be safe for fraud. Jakarta must be safe from irregularities. If there is a violation of the law, the law apparatus will process it. So it is important for us to work with transparency and good governance," said Anies-Sandi in his commitment quoted by Ninis Chairunnisa and Chitra Paramaesti in an article entitled Anies GROWs to Stop Reclamation (2017).

Jalan Anies-Sandi led Jakarta was greeted with great fanfare. They become a new hope for the whole city to overcome the various problems that surround Jakarta. Among other things, the problem of flooding, traffic jams, and social inequality.

Oke Oce and Oke Otrip are starting to be planned. The leadership was then disturbed by Sandi's issue of accompanying Prabowo Subianto in the 2019 presidential election. At first, the issue was not taken seriously because Prabowo chose many vice presidential options, but the choice was getting closer to Sandi.

Sandi's position as Deputy Governor is actually not disturbed. There is no problem if he chooses to run in the political contestation of the presidential election. In fact, Sandi does not need to resign in accordance with Election Law no. 7 of 2017 which was confirmed by Government Regulation no. 32 of 2018.

The two legal products state that the governor or deputy governor who will participate in the presidential election is allowed to ask the president for permission for leave. This means that Sandi can take part in the 2019 presidential election calmly because he can take leave as a state official.

Sandi said otherwise. He expressed his attitude to avoid conflicts of interest after being appointed as Prabowo Vice Presidential Candidate on August 9, 2018. The day after, Sandi officially resigned from the position of Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta on August 10, 2018.

The postponement was carried out as a form of upholding political ethics. He did not want to be faced with a conflict of interest when advancing as a Vice Presidential Candidate. Sandi considers regulating DKI Jakarta is not an easy thing. Perseverance and totality must be prioritized. It cannot be done half-heartedly.

As a result, resignation is the only option that makes Sandi participate in political contestation to the fullest. His actions then became an example of the life of state officials who uphold political ethics.

"I said that the philosophy can't be carried out, this is a very tough task, DKI is tough, and if I stay in DKI, politicizing DKI, it's not fair for DKI. Pak Anies is already tough, and plus politicization is getting more severe. If I'm selfish, stay in DKI and try it, I'm afraid I don't have a good message for the community. Not endeavoring, national must be all out, whatever the result is. We have to be gentle for that," Sandi said as quoted on the page detik.com, 11 August 2018.

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