JAKARTA - PT Angkasa Pura Indonesia (InJourney Airports) operates 37 airports for 24 hours during the Christmas and New Year holidays.
This is to deal with the increase in passenger traffic during the end-of-year holidays.
"All 37 airports that we manage are 'standby' for 24 hours, and if you look at our operating hours here, some airports are 24 hours, some are 19 hours. However, it is possible that we have airports that have extended operating hours," said Director of Operations of PT Angkasa Pura Indonesia, Wendo Asrul Rose as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 18.
In addition, he continued, InJourney Airports will operate a number of integrated security and service posts for Christmas and New Year holiday passengers starting from December 18, 2024 to January 5, 2025.
"All facilities related to the safety and security of this service are all operating in accordance with the provisions, then friends also ensure that the entire service process is in accordance with the established SOP," he said.
He said, the operational plan in terms of HR readiness, his party deployed as many as 15,939 personnel both from internal and external at the 37 airports it manages.
According to him, the number of personnel deployed has increased when compared to the security and service conditions during the previous Christmas and New Year period.
"Our total personnel will be deployed by 15,939 people, this is quite large, because some handle 37 airports throughout Indonesia," he said.
In addition, all service and operational facilities are also ensured to be ready to serve the increase in flight traffic. Airports that will continue to operate 24 hours are Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tangerang, I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Denpasar, Bali.
"We have also conveyed all flight operators and all stakeholders and for all airports that we manage we are ready," he said.
In this case, AP Indonesia has also prepared various aspects, including safety, security and service facilities have become the main focus, including the thickening of operational personnel.
From the air side, optimization of flight slot times is carried out to ensure the flow of aircraft at the airport runs smoothly during the peak period. The readiness of airside facilities such as aircraft parking areas/parking stands, Aviobridges, & Runways are continuously monitored and improved to maintain smooth aircraft movement.
Then, the landside or curbside side, is ensured to be ready from various supporting facilities, including smooth passenger flow in the arrival and departure areas, changes to the face of the terminal with beautification, maintenance of public facilities, and improvement of services at the terminal to ensure the comfort of all airport service users.
"In accordance with the request from our flight operator friends, then the monitoring post for the duty schedule and the context of the person, so at each airport a monitoring post has been prepared, the duty schedule has also been prepared both from the internal side of Angkasa Pura and our 'stakeholder' friends involved in the service," he said.
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