JAKARTA History today, 40 years ago, December 27, 1983, the great leader of Catholics, Pope John Paul II, forgives the person who once wanted to kill him, Mehmet Ali Yahya Agca. This action amazed the whole world by the Pope's action.

The world's scope seems to be taught about the highest value of forgiveness. Previously, Agca's attempted murder had been carried out in St. Peter's Square Vatican. Four bullets were fired at the Pope. Two of them hit the stomach and left hand.

The whole world mourned on May 13, 1981. This grief was based on an attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II. The great leader of Catholics had no bad feelings.

He carried out his obligation to carry out a general audience in St. Peter's Square, Vatican. He who used an open vehicle seemed to greet the Catholics who were at the location. Pope Paul even had time to carry a little girl. However, poor cannot be denied.

The Pope became the target of an assassination attempt. The gun was directed at him from a mysterious figure. Four shots were fired. Two shots hit the Pope. One in the stomach. The other in the left hand.

The Pope collapsed. Then the shooter who was later discovered to be a Turkish citizen named Mehmet Ali Yahya Agca was arrested. The Pope was rushed to Gemelli Hospital in Rome. Agca is being secured by the authorities.

The incident shocked the whole world. The cruelty through suicide attempts was condemned here and there. World leaders spoke up. They were shocked and criticized the killer. The world never expected people who had nothing to do with politics and war to become targets of attempted murder.

Today's world and church leaders express their surprise and anger over the news of Pope John Paul II's shooting in Rome. Queen Elizabeth II said she was horrified and deeply shocked: Prince Philip and I sent our prayers for his recovery.

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Robert Runcie, also expressed their surprise and disappointment at the assassination attempt. The Pope has announced plans to visit England, Scotland and Wales in 1982. Prime Minister Charles Haughey of Ireland said he was very shocked. The Pope's visit to Ireland in 1979 is clearly remembered there, "said Frank J. Priall in his article in The New York Times entitledLeaders Around the World Voice Scock and Anger (1981).

Hate for Agca continues to emerge. The condemnation came from everywhere. However, unexpectedly the Pope came to Agca in Pebibbia Prison, Rome, Italy on December 27, 1983. The Pope also met with her.

The incident caused a stir. All because the Pope acted wisely. He declared forgiveness for Agca and gave forgiveness. The Pope did not care why Agca attempted murder. Agca also kissed the Pope's hand. The two then separated from the atmosphere of emotion.

For 21 minutes, the Pope sat with the person who once wanted the killer, Agca. The two spoke gently. Once twice Agca laughed. The Pope regretted the shooting. At the end of the meeting, Agca kissed the Pope's ring or attached the Pope's hand, to his forehead as a sign of Muslim respect, "explained Lance Morrow in his article in Time magazine entitled John Paul II Forgives His Would-Be Assassin (1984).

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