YOGYAKARTA During the long year-end holidays, there are many opportunities to stay in touch with family. Especially when celebrating Christmas or spending time together. According to research, when families have strong ties, children tend to get high scores on welfare scales such as self-admission, personal growth, life goals, and positive connections with others. Strong family ties and closeness, do not always occur naturally.
In a busy daily life, it takes effort to prioritize time with your family. If you want to build a strong closeness and family ties, here are the tips.
When making plans for a trip with your family, it means you have set aside time for your loved ones. Spending quality time together, it needs to be done regularly. For small families at home, maybe you can eat together once a week or take a walk. As for the extended family, it can be planned when time allows them to get together.
Creating a new tradition can be adjusted to the moment of a big day. For example, at Christmas, you can use a potluck of gifts or by exchanging snacks to eat with your family.
Research reported by Parents, Wednesday, December 25, shows that eating with family has a positive effect on children's physical and mental health. Eating together can also strengthen communication and strengthen family ties. So don't hesitate to make a meal schedule with your family even with a simple dish. Importantly, consider healthy foods and a cheerful atmosphere.
If a large family does not live under one roof, but joint homework can be done while staying on vacation. Can share tasks but all have equal tasks. Please note, doing household work together can also foster a sense of teamwork.
When planning a meeting agenda or holiday together, it means that the extended family has a certain mission. In realizing the mission, all family members are important to collaborate. Joint plans don't have to be complicated, but make sure the whole family helps each other with compassion and love.
Family gatherings are the right time for everyone to greet each other, submit complaints, or discuss future plans. For example, family gatherings are the right time to talk about future family vacations, how do you plan to complete tasks next weekend, or your child's plans after graduation.
Feeling supported by family is one of the most important elements in building strong family ties. To provide support, encourage everyone to learn what is important for their family members, be it career aspirations or hobbies, and to do their best to support each other's interests.
Everyone in the family must feel empowered to share good and bad news and receive a loving response. The goal is for everyone in the family to shine together when things go well, and sympathize when things don't go according to plan. When the family feels supported, going through difficult times becomes much easier.
Research shows that the more we give or by becoming volunteers and helping others, the happier and more grateful we are in our own lives. Helping others is also associated with some good health outcomes, including physical and mental health. When your family shares this experience together, your relationship will be even closer.
Those are the tips in building closeness and family ties. The steps above can be done by each generation with certain realistic modifications. By setting aside special time and doing activities with family, it will show appreciation to the family and of course provide benefits to mutual welfare.
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