JAKARTA History today, 33 years ago, December 24, 1990, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein threatened to make Israel the main target of attacks as the Gulf War continues. The statement was revealed because Israel, which in fact is a United States shell (US), continues to suppress Palestine and other Arab countries.

Previously, many Middle Eastern leaders had sympathy for Palestine. Support for Palestine was used as a weapon to get people's sympathy. Instead of just Iraq, the Iranian country actually criticized Israel first. Israel is called Little Satan (SETAN Kecil).

The occupation of the modern era that Israel perpetuates against Palestine is condemned by the world. Moreover, when Israel tried to proclaim its independence in 1948. This condition made Israel attracted to expand its territory.

Confrontation of the Palestinian people was carried out. Israeli-style colonial trials made many Palestinians expelled from their lands. In fact, not a few of them died. Israel's greedy actions attracted the world's attention. Many of the countries in the world condemn Israel.

Moreover, fellow Middle Eastern countries. Israel with US assistance is often considered a disruptor who destroys world peace. Leaders from Middle Eastern countries are also competing to become saviors.

They tried to offer assistance to Palestinian fighters. The review of support also made their electability increase among their respective people. Iran's great leader, Ayatollah Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini, for example.

Khomeini has often condemned the steps of the US and Israel in world politics. He often referred to the US as the culprit for the destruction of foreign politics in other countries. This image made Khomeini not hesitate to call the US The Great Satan, even his ally Israel called Little Satan in 1979.

"Ayatollah Khomeini has repeatedly used hatred against the United States", he calls it the Great Devils to increase support for his revolution, amid signs of growing internal disputes over the continued hostage-taking of the American Embassy. Another anti-US Ayatollah motif is his vision of spreading fundamentalist revolutions throughout the Islamic world, "wrote in a report by The New York Times newspaper, June 5, 1989.

Support for Palestine is not just Iran's monopoly, its arch-enemy, Iraq also perpetuates the same narrative. Saddam Hussein and his government often perpetuated support for Palestine openly.

This condition made the world respect Saddam. Even though Saddam was included in the category of dictatorial leader. Saddam's support for Palestine was shown by his courage to threaten Israel.

Israel was threatened by Saddam as the main target of the Iraqi attack when the Gulf War continued. Saddam made this statement in one of his interviews on a television station on December 24, 1990. The words were indeed held by Saddam. Iraq also attacked two Israeli cities, Tel Aviv and Haifa in 1991. Even though the attack was easily broken. Israel also challenged Iraq.

Anyone who dares to attack us will be attacked seven times more. Israel's Defense Forces are on standby to anticipate any danger.

He (Saddam) knew that Israel did not participate in this confrontation (the bay war). He wants to drag us into this confrontation to give the character of the Israeli-Arab confrontation, "said Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir as quoted by the Los Angeles Times newspaper in an article entitled "Tel Aviv Is 1st Target," Hussein Reportedly Says (1990).

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