JAKARTA - The invasion of the United States (US) into Iraq brings deep sorrow to the whole world. George Walker Bush is the most blamed figure. The US president accused Iraq of possessing weapons of mass destruction. Even though the general public has smelled other US signs.

The attack brought sorrow. Many people in Iraq lost their families. The narrative made Iraqi journalist Muntazer Al Zaidi furiously angry. He also overflowed it by throwing a pair of shoes at President Bush.

President Bush considers Saddam Hussein and Iraq's regime the most dangerous combination in the world. Bush accused Saddam of being a dictator who had weapons of mass destruction. The weapon is predicted to destroy the lives of the world.

Bush then acted as a savior. He wanted to immediately invade Iraq. Iraq's narrative of having weapons of mass destruction has been revealed over and over again. In fact, the location of the weapons of mass destruction has not been proven at all.

The assumption that there was a weapon of mass destruction was only led by Bush based on allegations of intelligence. Bush emphasized that the satellite photos of the warehouses were considered weapons storage. However, the contents of the warehouse have not been traced at all.

The investigation was perpetuated. However, not as alleged. George Walker Bush refused to lose. The US president still insisted Saddam had a certificate. The US Galagat wants to attack Iraq has begun to raise suspicions from many parties.

Instead of becoming a savior of the world, the US is actually considered to be outsmarting weapons affairs in order to control Iraq's natural resources. Mainly, oil. The US moves then began to get criticism from here and there. Even the US does not want to dictate to many parties.

The accusations against Iraq were deemed biological. The invasion was perpetuated on March 19, 2003. The invasion made Iraqis feel life like an angel of death was being chased. Even then countless people who lost their families.

All shops, restaurants, and offices in the city have been closed everywhere. There are signs of silent despair. The atmosphere is full of uncertainty. Getting used to conventional fighting, no one can guess how the fighting will take place. Moments passed by 2.30 in the morning, we got the answer.

"Suddenly the sky became bright when guided missiles (missiles) of sea cruises fired from US Stealth ships and warplanes started a major air strike against strategic targets across the city. The sound of air defense artillery originating from Iraqi shooters tightened like firecrackers that were lit on holiday. However, we know, this is not a celebration, but destruction, "said Yuli Ismantoro, who told of his experience covering the US invasion of Iraq in a Tempo Magazine article entitled Leading to Iraqi War Memory Record (2003).

The US invasion of Iraq was then condemned by many by the world. Even so, the invasion period is still ongoing (the new invasion was completed on December 15, 2011). A very deep hatred for Bush continues to grow. Moreover, for Iraqi Journalist Muntazer Al-Zaidi. He considered that George Walker Bush's move to invade Iraq did not bring much change.

The invasion is seen as a lot of harm rather than benefits. He echoed that view because he saw no change in Iraq. All of this is because the US has placed counterfeit and corrupt politicians in Iraq. They struggled only to put America's interests first and to impoverish the Iraqi people.

The anger then became unbearable. Moreover, he heard Bush would perpetuate a press conference in Baghdad on December 14, 2008. Muntazer, known as Iraqi television journalist Al-Baghdadia, attempted to attend a press conference attended by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Ulam's beloved pinnacle arrives. That opportunity came true. Muntazer did not waste the opportunity. Bush, who was speaking and then attacked by him, threw away a pair of shoes. Muntazer's first shoes with a kink: This is a farewell kiss from the Iraqi people.

The second shoe was also thrown with a bang: This is for Iraqi women and children who were raped, as well as all of our citizens who have been killed (American soldiers). George Walker Bush may have managed to avoid throwing shoes. However, Bush was unable to avoid a major insult from an Iraqi.

The throwing of shoes made Muntazer detained by the authorities. He also had to give up languishing in prison for six months. He also did not show any remorse for ever throwing Bush with a pair of shoes. After that, Muntazer's actions inspired many protests against Bush by throwing shoes at Bush posters or photos around the world.

President Bush on his last visit on December 14, 2008 stated that the US would withdraw its troops from Iraq by the end of 2011. At a press conference, intelligence failures occurred again, although on a small scale. President Bush was thrown with shoes twice by television journalist Al Baghdadia, Muntazer Al-Zaidi.

In Iraq, shoe throws are considered an insult. Even though the throwing missed, the incident clearly tarnished the good name of the US President as an institution that must be protected. So that's a story about the mistake of making a country's decision due to the mistake of its intelligence agency providing intelligence on very important matters and strategic value," explained Indonesian intelligence expert Prayitno Ramelan in the book Intelejen Bertaf (2009).

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