JAKARTA - Today 73 years ago, or January 17, 1948, the Reville Agreement was signed. The previous Renville agreement took place after the Linggarjati Agreement (25 March 1947). However, the agreement ended with mutual accusations. The Netherlands accuses Indonesia of reneging on the agreement. Vice versa. As a result, the Renville Agreement was made because Indonesia and the Netherlands were still in dispute.

Launching Kompas.com, the Netherlands, which continues to carry out its military operations, has angered Indonesia. It became even more angry when the Dutch penetrated the Dutch penetration of Java and Madura, which are the Republic of the United States of Indonesia (RIS). This move became known as the Dutch Military Aggression I.

For this reason, the most correct option according to the leader of the country is to ask for international help. Because, Indonesia's age is still as old as corn. Because of this, the Security Council of the United Nations (UN) has tried to intervene. Then, Indonesia appointed Australia, the Netherlands appointed Belgium, and the United States was appointed as the mediator based on the wishes of Indonesia and the Netherlands.

It was this US appointment that led to the Indonesian-Dutch negotiations being carried out on the warship Renville. The signing of the agreement is signed by each party. The Netherlands was represented by Governor General Van Mook, while Indonesia was represented by Prime Minister Amir Sjarifoeddin.

The contents of the Renville Agreement

In the contents of the agreement it is known that the Indonesian side suffered a loss. This is because the agreement made the Dutch even more powerful over the vast territory. In more detail, the contents of the agreement are presented below.

- Immediate formation of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS).

- The Republic of Indonesia is a state in the RIS.

- The Dutch still control all of Indonesia before the RIS was formed.

- The only areas of Indonesia recognized by the Dutch were Central Java, Yogyakarta and Sumatra.

- The territory of Indonesia and the Netherlands is separated by a demarcation line called the Van Mook Line.

- The Indonesian army was withdrawn from Dutch-controlled areas (West Java and East Java).

- The Indonesian-Dutch Union will be formed with the head of the King of the Netherlands.

- There will be a kind of referendum (voting) to determine the fate of the territory in the RIS.

- There will be general elections to form the RIS Constituent Council.

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