JAKARTA - Today, five years ago, on July 22, 2017, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) gave a public lecture at the four campuses of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD), Bantul, Yogyakarta. On that occasion, Jokowi invited Ahmad Dahlan University students to uphold religious and cultural values.

Don't be westernized, he said. Jokowi reasoned that the minds of modern students have been spoiled by the online world. Alias the invasion of information without a filter into the phone. Jokowi is afraid that current students will be carried away by the current.

Students are the next generation of the nation. That is what President Jokowi has always believed in. Therefore, every time there is an agenda for visits outside the region, he often takes the time to visit local campuses. During a visit to UAD, for example.

Jokowi did not forget to take the time to give a public lecture. He tries to remind the campus owners and their students about the importance of innovation. UAD must have the courage to make big moves. Do not stop. Innovation is a tool to win the competition in an era that is starting to move fast.

President Jokowi posed for a photo with the students of Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta. (uad.ac.id)

He also reminded the campus to have a flexible curriculum. All of this is to stimulate student's creativity. It is the student's creations that Jokowi hopes can be appreciated by the campus. Whether it's innovation in technology or going directly to society.

The innovation must have its own value. And if necessary, it must be included as part of the credit. However, if UAD persists in the traditional curriculum. The results are predictable. UAD will be abandoned by prospective students.

“Then learning outside the room, outside of lectures must also be appreciated, properly included in credits. For example, there are children, there are students who study the internet, from the internet, for example, they learn to make applications and succeed, that must be appreciated as credits.”

“Or there are students who manage agricultural land and succeed, that is also recognized. Presented to the lecturer, he was asked from the point of view of the economic philosophies, is it true, oh yes, you get 5 credits, or you get 10 credits. This is now really changing that fast. If the curriculum is not flexible, it's still monotonous, it's still routine, it's still linear, so we'll leave it,” said Jokowi in his general lecture as written on the website of the Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia.

Campus 4 Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta where President Jokowi gave a public lecture on July 22, 2017. (uad.ac.id)

Jokowi appealed for innovations to at least contain the character of the nation. A character that upholds religious and cultural values. Because, having character is very important. The character can be a filter for students in digesting any information they get.

It is also a tool for students to determine which things are good and which are bad. Also, don't let students become westernized. Students must anticipate this if they do not want to live in a puddle of failure.

"Yes, if the content is good, it's okay but if you take the bad stuff, even though the character of our human resources has not been filled in, yes, the bad ones come in, the emergence of bad human resources. Therefore, in my opinion, credits related to work ethic, for example, are related to entrepreneurship, related to productivity.”

“Because indeed everything has changed and of course, the character of our nation who holds fast to religious values, upholds cultural values must also be filled. If not, our children will be westernized, maybe later. Because learning from smartphones, from social media. Our children could later go to China and China, our children could go to Japan later, or go to Korea and Korea," Jokowi added.

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