JAKARTA - The month of Ramadan is an annual momentum that the late former President Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie has always been waiting for. He believes that the fasting month is a message from the Creator to test his servants.
Through fasting, for example. Humans are tested for patience in holding back their passions and hunger. Therefore, fasting became the most enjoyable routine for Habibie. The special thing about fasting is that Habibie is more relaxed during the day. Fasting keeps away evil and brings it closer to good.
Habibie was never half-hearted in celebrating the month of Ramadan. For him, Ramadan is a month full of blessings. A full month of humanity dedicates itself to worship. Habibie also tried to always get closer to the almighty. From purifying the body to the mind. All evil thoughts must be restrained. Likewise with the behavior of lust.
All of that was kept as much as possible. This means that in the month of fasting the mind must be clean. It should not be dirty, let alone covered by deceit. The fasting month is a time for him to purify himself. Or in Habibie's language, the month of Ramadan is a momentum for Muslims to recharge the battery of goodness.

Habibie also believes that the benefits of the presence of the month of Ramadan are not only in terms of proximity to the Creator. There are other benefits to it. The five daily prayers and tarawih are the mainstays to stay fit in carrying out daily activities. Because, the prayer movement gives a lot of space for blood to flow into the body.
Fasting and praying activities can make his body fit. That was the key to Habibie's fitness when he served as Minister of Research and Technology (Menristek), Vice President, to the President of the Republic of Indonesia for the period 1998-1999.
“Every day I pray there I find calm, clear my mind. Meanwhile, the prayer movement is also an exercise. His head down. At that time the blood circulates to the head. The brain gets blood flow. During the prostration, I usually stay down for a long time, about a minute. After praying I feel fresh. Because of the influence of that prayer."
“Because his movements are also because of his thoughts. At that time we did not think about anything complicated. Because God is not complicated, very simple, clean, and clear. Our brains are like being cleaned. By performing these five prayers, and several times of tahajjud prayer, as well as fasting Monday-Thursday, I am not only filled with biotech, with calories, protein, carbohydrates, and sugar. The biggest battery charge is during the month of Ramadan, I think every Muslim should do it," said Habibie in the book The Power of Ideas (2018).
Habibie also fasts sunnah
Fasting has many benefits. Habibie was well aware of that. While living in Germany, he often invited his friend, KL Laheru to fast. Even though Laheru is a Christian. Habibie explained to Laheru that fasting is full of goodness. Habibie also persuaded Laheru: Du must mit mir fasten, es ist gut fur dic (you have to fast with me, it's good for you).
Habibie also explained the privileges of fasting in various ways. Laheru was also addicted to fasting. He can feel the benefits. Laheru got to know himself a lot. He cares more about what he is looking for in life, rather than getting involved in issues that are not so important.
Even fasting activities, in fact, are not only carried out by Habibie before the fasting month. He is considered active in carrying out sunnah fasting: fasting Monday-Thursday. The goal is clear. Habibie wants to get reward and pleasure from God. The bonus, Habibie can be physically and spiritually healthy.
Habibie's passion for perpetuating the Monday-Thursday fast made him have the odd idea that the agenda of holding back hunger could save the nation's economy. Moreover, when he served as Indonesia's number one person, his condition was in crisis.
"Because by fasting Monday-Thursday, everyone saves 20 kilograms of rice, because every human being eats one meal requires 200 grams of calories in one serving of rice. So in 52 weeks, in one year, humans save 20 kilograms.”

"If one million people fast, then 20 thousand tons of rice will be saved a year. If 150 million fast, we will save 3 million tons. This means that it is the same as the amount of rice we have to import," explained Habibie, as written by A. Makmur Makka in Habibie's Inspiration book (2020).
Habibie revealed that fasting is usually known in every culture in the world. Alias everyone can perpetuate fasting. Fasting is just a matter of habit. Which, if the Indonesian people want to perpetuate the Monday-Thursday fasting, the prayer will save rice. However, the people regard the solution as a controversial tactic.
As a solution to reduce the crisis, fasting Monday-Thursday is clearly unacceptable. Moreover, the solution is considered a form of government laziness in formulating policies. However, all will be in one voice when Habibie mentions fasting Monday-Thursday can influence someone in thinking creatively. To get peace, especially.
"I continue to work, but in here (pointing to his chest) there are still problems. That's why I pray five times a day, pray tahajjud, and fast. From there I find peace. It is impossible for people to worship if there is no peace. Because After that, I returned that calm through fasting,” concluded Habibie, quoted by A. Makmur Makka again in another book entitled The True Life of Habibie: Cerita di Balik Kesuksesan (2008).
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