JAKARTA - Soe Hok Gie's sense of empathy is very big. The 1966's generation activists are not only sensitive to the suffering of the people. But also has great empathy for the environment. Climbing mountains is his hobby. Not just a stress reliever. For Gie, the mountain is a place of self-actualization. Gie also aspires to conquer the highest roof of Java: Semeru. He was able to make it happen before he died young on the mountain.

Soe Hok Gie is a figure who has high ideals. He is very critical in looking at a problem. Gie's criticism is often shown on issues that concern the livelihoods of many people.

He always criticizes the ruling regimes that only think about personal interests. The people are ignored. Gie did not stay silent. From the demonstration pulpit to the mass media storefronts, they were chosen as the space to speak out. Especially related to state governance issues, including regime policies.

At one time Gie always believed his criticism was right on target. At other times Gie began to be seized by doubts. The impact of criticism that is felt is small, for example. This doubt made Gie often feel unable to do anything to change everything.

Gie then had a perfect solution. The solution is to go up the mountain. For Gie, the mountain is a place to test one's personality and determination. The mountain is a place to study, as well as a place for exams to be held. The test will undoubtedly narrow Gie to two answers, he is someone who cares about himself, or someone who is behind the Indonesian people.

Soe Hok Gie (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

"The moonlight there is very beautiful. Mount Pangrango with its large forests. A quiet lake and a sweet and calm lake. The shows are also impressive. Ride the raft to your heart's content. Jaju, Maman, Tab, swimming. I showered with my hands on the raft to my heart's content. Dinner satay as a dish for the inauguration party. I sleep at 20.00 and wake up at 05:30. Long enough for a camping event. Not to mention a two-hour nap.”

“I wondered why I always had to be a good person. Sometimes I just want to be myself. I don't care about small talk. I think sometimes people should also understand my feelings. Why must it always be me? In these contemplations arises a bitter realization as an idealist. For a long time I have felt isolated with an excuse for situations," said Soe Hok Gie in his phenomenal book, Catatan Seorang Demonstran (Notes of a Demonstrator), 2011.

Gie always uses climbing to get to know Indonesia. The process of loving Indonesia is the same as knowing more about the people and their problems. Gie's eyes opened wide. While climbing the mountain, Gie saw and discussed various kinds of inequality.

A series of problems that Gie found were processed into bullets to restore his idealistic spirit. As a result, Gie is more determined to fight in the name of justice. It means, as much as Gie's struggle as an activist is to defend those who are weak. Even to those who are untouched by government policies and far from welfare.

“Between me and the youth of this village, there are many differences. Education, occupation, cultural background, ideals, and environment. But because we spoke honestly and openly, personal contact became intimate. This conversation took place among the pine forests and the bald hills. "If there were many young Jakartans like these guys, I still have hope in Jakarta," he said slowly. For him, Jakarta is a source of hypocrisy and human decadence,” said Soe Hok Gie in the book Soe Hok Gie: Zaman Peralihan (Soe Hok Gie: Age of Transition), 2005.

Dying young in Semeru

Mount Semeru (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Gie's mountain climbing activities are increasingly massive. He had climbed Mount Gede, Pangrango, Ceremai, and Slamet. All the climbing made Gie more in love with the mountain. Gie is increasingly challenging himself to climb higher mountains.

He and his friends wanted to try to conquer Mount Semeru. A mountain that is predicted to be the highest roof on the island of Java. The climb to Semeru became a big event for Gie in December 1969.

Even for students who love nature, University of Indonesia (UI). Semeru became the first climb, both Gie and all members of Mapala UI. They then took a train from Gambir to Surabaya.

Laughter and debate adorned their journey from Gambir station to preparing to climb to Semeru. It was in the middle of the ascent that Gie conveyed his intention to make the peak of Semeru, Mahameru, a sacred place for his 27th birthday celebration.

"My birthday is on December 17th, which means that Wednesday is the day after tomorrow, tomorrow is Tuesday, December 16th. How about it, I should have my birthday on the highest land on the island of Java," said Gie to seven of his colleagues (Aristides, Herman Onesimus Lantang), Abdurrachman, Anton Wijana, Rudy Badil, and two students Herman Idhan Dhanvantari Lubis, and Freddy Lodewijk Lasut) as written by Rudy Badil in the book Soe Hok Gie: Sekali Lagi (Soe Hok Gie: Once Again), 2009.

In addition to Gie's high spirits, in fact, Gie also had a premonition about death. This premonition was not present on the previous ascent. But when climbing Semeru the foreboding was present. Even stronger. Armed with this hunch, Gie took the time to say goodbye to his colleagues.

In fact, Gie's hunch came true. Bad weather – rain and fog – on the ascent to the top of Mahameru became the origin. The climb becomes difficult. In addition, the Semeru incident emitted explosive and explosive sounds that spewed dust and toxic gas -- sulfur -- into the air.

Mount Semeru (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The horrific incident made his breath heavy. However, Gie and his friends can get through it. He had a chance to taste being at the top of Mahameru, according to his dream. The scary atmosphere at the top of Mahameru made all climbers rush down. During the decline, Soe Hok Gie's student, Rudy Badil, saw that Gie was exhausted.

Gie seems to be sitting on the edge of the slope towards the peak of Semeru. He was pensive with his trademark: sitting with his chin propped up. He greeted Gie, and Gie greeted him by entrusting a pinch of pine leaves to be entrusted to the female students at his campus. As proof, they managed to climb Semeru.

The conversation didn't last long. Because, air and toxic gases are increasingly felt disturbing. Gie's friends immediately rushed downstairs. Gie was later found dead, along with Idhan. Both died in Semeru's arms. Gie's departure occurred on December 16, or minus one day from his 27th birthday on December 17. Gie died young.

“It is in this connection that I would like to pay tribute to the memories of Soe Hok Gie, one of the most dynamic and promising intellectuals of the post-independence youth generation, who recently passed away, while climbing Mount Semeru. His total commitment to modernization and reckless honesty of democracy and complete absence of self-awareness in waging his struggles.”

“It made it possible for him to overcome certain traditional objections to him that many people have because he is of Chinese descent. For me, he is an example of a new type or kind of Indonesian people, of a true Indonesian,” recalls the figure of the Indonesian Socialist Party (PSI), Soedjatmoko in his book Menjadi Bangsa Terdidik Menurut Soedjatmoko (Becoming an Educated Nation According to Soedjatmoko), 2010.

*Read other information about HISTORY or read other interesting articles from Detha Arya Tifada.


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