JAKARTA - Gunawan Maryanto passed away on October 6, at the age of 45 years. The news of the death of the actor who also played as a figure of Wiji Thukul in the film "Istirahatlah Kata-Kata" was conveyed by his friend, Yudi Ahmad Tajudin on his Facebook page, Wednesday, October 6, 2021, evening.

'Friends, it is with a trembling heart that I want to inform you: that's right, my friend and colleague at Teater Garasi, Gunawan Maryanto (also known as Cindhil), passed away at around 20.00 p.m. earlier. At Ludiro Husodo Hospital, Yogyakarta. Because of a heart attack.

"About funerals and other things we can discuss with the family," wrote Yudi Ahmad Tajudin, who is known as the motor of Teater Garasi.

The Teater Garasi artist and actor who was born on April 10, 1976, is known for his total role in entering the roles entrusted to him. Gunawan Maryanto has been named the Best Male Actor in FFI 2020 through the Hiruk Pikuk Si Al-Kisah (The Science of Fictions) film. He was also ordained as the best actor at the 2017 Usmar Ismail Awards for his role in Istirahatlah Kata-Kata.

In a VOI interview with Gunawan Maryanto last December 18, 2020, Gunawan Maryanto several other things from Gunawan Maryanto's explanation about himself also described that. His total love for literature and the arts. Not completely. Gunawan Maryanto first came into contact with literature from an early age. At the age of five, Gunawan Maryanto has absorbed many reading books.

Meanwhile, the love for the arts -- especially the performing arts -- was not immediately discovered. He grew up in a Javanese cultural environment full of art. Gunawan Maryanto's father is a ketoprak player. While his grandfather was attached to puppet shows. Even so, Gunawan Maryanto had no interest in performing arts, so he watched a mime show.

"One time I was given an invitation. At that time by one of the students of ISI Jogja who was boarding at my house. An invitation to a mime show in one of the legendary performance halls in Jogja, namely Senisono."

"That's one thing I still remember now, huh. That moment. So I kind of believe it was one of the initial triggers. Because when I watched my father play ketoprak I was afraid. emotional closeness and so on. So I never finished watching my father's ketoprak. But when I watched the pantomime, I really got carried away, I see. And I still remember the details of the events. Details to this day.

It was also from Teater Garasi that a meeting between Gunawan Maryanto and Anggi Noen took place. The two have known each other for a long time because they are in the vast artistic ecosystem in Jogja. Conversations about Siman's character and the concept of the film The Science of Fictions began in 2012, even before Resting the Words (2017), the first collaboration between Gunawan Maryanto and Anggi Noen in a film.

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