JAKARTA - Feelings of insecurity can occur in a romantic relationship. Insecure is a feeling of insecurity or feeling insecure. Usually, in a romantic relationship, feelings of insecurity arise because they feel that they do not deserve to be side by side with their partner.

This feeling isn't wrong because it's a common thing to happen to yourself, but don't let it get too much. If you are too insecure, it can be dangerous in a romantic relationship. What are the dangers of feeling excessive insecurity? Check out the following article, adapted from the Womantalk page, Tuesday, September 28.

Not happy with partner's achievements

When you feel insecure, you will find it difficult to support and feel happy with your partner's achievements. In fact, mutual support for each other is very important when establishing a love relationship.

Become so dependent

Feelings of insecurity can lead to feelings of fear of loss that are very excessive. Finally, you become dependent on your partner. In fact, the most important thing in a romantic relationship is to trust each other and be independent. In addition, dependence can also limit the time 'me time' you and your partner so that it can lead to an unhealthy love relationship.

Easily get jealous

Excessive insecurity can also make you easily jealous. Actually, it doesn't matter those jealous feelings arise, but if they become excessive, it can lead to possessiveness. Finally, unconsciously, you start limiting your partner in carrying out their activities. Over time, this feeling will make the relationship unhealthy.

Easy to get stressed and depressed

Feelings of excessive insecurity can also cause feelings of anxiety, making you more prone to stress and depression. This anxiety also arises from overthinking your partner, which ultimately makes you easily restless.

Can make yourself feel worthless

One of the greatest dangers of feeling insecure is feeling worthless. You also find it easier to compare yourself to others. Eventually, you lose your interests and hobbies, and you become aloof and unsocial.

High expectations on your partner

Feelings of insecurity in a romantic relationship will make it easy for you to have high expectations of your partner. Finally, it becomes easy to complain, and so compare your partner with others, and feel dissatisfied with your partner. This will make the relationship unhealthy.

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