JAKARTA - Senior comedian Tukul Arwana is still undergoing intensive treatment at the National Brain Center Hospital, Cawang, East Jakarta, since Wednesday, September 22. Tukul Arowana reportedly suffered from bleeding in the brain. To VOI, Friday, September 24, dr. Anita Larasati Priyono explained the signs of someone experiencing bleeding in the brain.

The first signs that can be felt are persistent headaches. As reported, Tukul Arowana also felt a severe headache before finally losing consciousness and being taken to the hospital. Headaches are caused by the volume of blood due to bleeding pressing the brain tissue, causing pain.

"In terms of cerebral hemorrhage itself, the most prominent signs (are) headaches. If there is bleeding, inevitably the amount of blood in the brain increases because there is blood entering the brain tissue, the brain is in the skull, if the volume increases, there will definitely be an increase.”

To make it easier to understand, dr. Anita analogizes this incident to filling water in a container. If the water continues to be filled, then the container will be full and cause an increase. Like humans, pain occurs due to increased pressure. In addition to headaches, patients can also experience vomiting without being preceded by nausea.

People with brain hemorrhages should be treated immediately. The goal is to prevent damage to brain tissue circulating more widely.

"If you don't get oxygen and nutrients for a long time, then more and more brain tissue is damaged, even though brain cells are the type of cells that are difficult to regenerate." said dr. Anita.

As for the handling, dr. Anita suggested that the patient should be taken to a hospital that has facilities for stroke management, CT scan, MRI, and a neurologist. If in the hospital, the patient will receive the first treatment of oxygen therapy and infusion. The goal is to enter intravenous fluids and drugs through the blood to be efficient.

If the patient is in a coma or lost consciousness, the patient must be fitted with a breathing apparatus because it is not uncommon for patients with cerebral hemorrhage to experience respiratory depression. If the patient is safe, he will be examined through an MRI to see the cause of the stroke, whether it is due to a blockage or bleeding in the blood vessels of the brain. Then, to find out how extensive and severe brain damage occurs.

“If the prognosis is broad, the condition will get worse. If the location of the damage is in a place that regulates motor skills, such as the hands, the legs can be paralyzed, on one side of the body. then if the place that regulates the facial nerve, then it can be confused or stupid. Or a patient who is in a coma, that's part of the damaged part of consciousness. (Patients) who died, because the damage was extensive.” explained Dr. Anita.

The brain is the processor of the human body. If damage occurs to the brain, the body will be paralyzed.

"The brain is like a CPU, if almost the entire network is damaged, the CPU doesn't work, the processor doesn't work, humans can't carry out their functions either." close dr. Anita.

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