5 Fast Harvest Fruit Plants That Can Be Grown At Home
Illustration (Anastasia Petrova/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Every day we are advised to eat fruit so that our vitamin needs are always met. Fruit is easy to find in the market, but it would be even better if you could get it from your own yard. The reason is that fruit plants grown at home are guaranteed to be free of pesticides.

Fruit crops have different harvest times. At home, of course, you have to choose one that is quick to harvest and easy to maintain. Quoting Dekoruma, Sunday, August 29, here are 5 of Kania's chosen fast-harvesting fruit plants that you can grow at home!

Water Guava

Water guava is delicious in salads or eaten just like that. This fruit plant is of medium size. So, it is very suitable to decorate the corner of the garden or the edge of your house. The leaves are lush. Water guava fruit plants can be harvested 3 times a year. The care is easy, but you have to be wary of caterpillars and bats that stalk the fruit.


Still, guava fruit, this time some guavas can be planted in pots. The fruit has a distinctive aroma and sweet taste. Guava is a powerful medicine for DHF patients. Plants belonging to this Tabulampot (fruit plant in pot) should be placed in a warm area and get lots of sunlight. This fruit plant begins to bear fruit at the age of 2-3 years. However, plants cultivated by grafting can bear fruit more quickly, at the age of 6 months.


Soursop fruit plants are quite popular among the people of Indonesia. The fruit is delicious to eat and the leaves are efficacious to reduce the risk of getting cancer. Soursop trees begin to bear fruit at the age of 2 to 3 years. Once harvested, you can get 20 to 30 soursop fruit. Soursop harvest season is usually at the beginning of the year.


Oranges are rich in vitamin C. Several other citrus varieties are also useful for adding flavor to dishes. This fruit plant is mostly planted by the community. Not only is it easy to maintain, citrus fruit plants can also survive in pots. The conditions are easy, make sure watering and fertilizing are done regularly.


Have a large yard? Maybe you are interested in planting a mango tree. This fruit plant is quite often fruitful in a year. Mangoes are usually left hanging on the tree for 2 to 3 months, depending on the type. Mangoes that are ripe on the tree will taste sweeter and delicious to eat. It should be noted that the mango fruit plant is large and requires a distance of about 10 meters between other trees.

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