JAKARTA - The health of pregnant women and fetuses during the COVID-19 pandemic must be carefully maintained. Because in the early days of pregnancy, especially the first 8 weeks is very vulnerable.

The first trimester is a crucial phase in the formation of organs in the fetus. Health problems or lack of nutrition of pregnant women in this period can trigger the risk of defects in the baby. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, COVID-19 data do not show a pregnant mother is at a higher risk of contracting the virus.

"If you can, pregnant women should stay at home, don't go anywhere. Not only pregnant women, but people who are close to pregnant women should also minimize going out of the house", said Dr. Yassin Yanuar Mohammad, SpOG-KFER, MSc, specialist doctor obstetrics and gynecology in interviews with VOI.

To keep yourself healthy. Wash your hands, maintain social distance, and stay close to your healthcare provider during pregnancy.

"Pregnant women should also update. The recommendations for wearing masks vary. Now you have to wear medical masks covered with cloth. Keep your distance, wash your hands, the main thing is masks", he explained.

It must be remembered, pregnant women can now be vaccinated against COVID-19. "Vaccines cannot prevent 100% of COVID-19, but they can reduce the risk if exposed to COVID-19. By protecting pregnant women, we also protect families", he said.

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