JAKARTA – Chicken eggs are the easiest food ingredients to obtain, store, and process. These foodstuffs are indeed nutritious, but it is necessary to pay attention to healthy consumption limits. If you exceed the limit, you can experience the following side effects.

1. Body cholesterol rises

In one large egg contains 186 mg of cholesterol. While the ideal limit in one day, each person needs as much as 300 mg of cholesterol. That is, one day it is only safe to consume 1 epileptic egg.

This measure is based on the assumption that the daily diet contains other nutrients, such as protein from meat, milk, or vegetable protein from tofu or tempeh. The advice, which was launched by the Mayo Clinic, Tuesday, August 3, is to stay safe, limit your intake of egg whites only.

2. Cardiovascular risk

High cholesterol levels in the body can affect heart health. If uncontrolled, the risk of cardiovascular disease will be experienced.

3. Bloated stomach

Digestive problems can also be a side effect of eating too many eggs. Reported by Healthline, symptoms of egg intolerance include flatulence, stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting, to headaches.

4. Insulin resistance

Significant side effects occur when consuming 4 eggs a day. This condition is not healthy, because it can trigger heart disease and insulin resistance.

5. Boils or pimples appear

Boils or acne can be caused by an increase in the hormone progesterone in the body. Progesterone is also present in an egg. Well, if you eat chicken eggs every day, it's better to give it a break.

In addition, egg whites are found in albumin, which is difficult to digest. The bad effect can clog the lymphatic system and make the chin area, nostrils, cheeks inflamed.

Because everyone has a different metabolic system and nutritional needs, especially the protein in chicken eggs. So pay attention to any changes in the body experienced after eating chicken eggs. If consumed in the right dose, side effects may not be experienced.

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