JAKARTA - Annisa Pohan became the talk of netizens for misquoting the holy Quran on Twitter. Several netizens immediately responded to criticism and confirmed the error.

The wife of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) also deleted the upload and re-uploaded it with a quote that had been confirmed.

'...and slander is more cruel than murder...' (Surah Al-Baqarah [2]: 191)," wrote Annisa Pohan.

Previously, Annisa Pohan misquoted my father on twitter. He wrote QS Al-Baqarah [2]: 291, even though the letter is only 286 verses.

"Miss Annisa, the number of verses in Surah Al Baqarah is only 286, Ms. It doesn't arrive at 291," wrote one netizen.

"The story is that I want to become an ustadzah but I misquoted the number of verses of Surah Al Baqarah, hmmm, learning the truth first, then it turns out to be slander for yourself," another netizen criticized

Therefore, in addition to deleting the wrong upload, Annisa Pohan also apologized. "Sorry, the previous tweet was deleted because of a typo (written 291, it should be 191). Thank you to friends who have reminded me well," continued Annisa.

He also apologized to those who felt displeased because of his mistake. "I'm sorry if someone is not pleased," added Annisa Pohan.

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