JAKARTA - In a relationship, there will definitely be problems that can make you and your partner stronger. However, don't let the problem actually break the relationship, okay?

The man who is currently your partner may leave because of the bad qualities you have. Without you knowing it, bad traits can make your partner tired and leave you.

For that, you need to know what traits can make you leave your partner. Let's look at some of the bad qualities of women that make men upset and angry.

Likes to sue

The nature of women who are always demanding and spoiled will be annoying. Every man will certainly give the best for the partner he loves, but if you demand too much it will be troublesome. If your partner is tired of your character, then he will easily leave.

Full of drama

Women who have too much drama are also very annoying. No one is comfortable with a partner full of drama because it is very tiring.

So, as a woman try not to overdo it in response to something. Don't let your partner run out of patience and choose to leave.


When there are women who are too selfish and always feel the most right, it will irritate the men. A good relationship must be complementary and collaborative, not concerned with each other's ego.

Men need women who are independent and can respect themselves, not even consider their partner as a party to be defeated. If you are still selfish, get ready to be left by your partner, yes.


Being excessively possessive and restrained will make your partner uncomfortable. Feeling suspicious and jealous is normal, but not too much. As much as possible you have to control your feelings. Discuss everything with your partner nicely and don't always blame your partner.

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