The Story Of Sapri Pantun's Wife Felt Visited By The Deceased During Childbirth
Irma, Wife of Sapri Pantun

JAKARTA - Irma Suryatin gave birth a few days after her husband, Sapri Pantun passed away. The struggle of giving birth alone certainly brings a sad and emotional atmosphere. Despite the loss, Irma felt strong because she felt her husband's presence after childbirth.

Quoted from the Paragram Official YouTube channel, Irma saw her husband present with a Jak Mania jacket. She told reporters on Wednesday, May 19, at her residence in South Jakarta.

"Alhamdulillah, a baby born smoothly and healthy. It's been given a name, Irsan Muhammad Kaffi. That's his father who gives you a name, he is ready for the name. It's a combination of my name, his father, and Serin his brother", Irma said.

Apparently, long before his illness Sapri had already prepared a name for his second son. "From the fasting month, he read Solawat Kaffi continues so given the name Kaffi", said the mother of two children.

"The first night at the hospital, I saw him. When I had the surgery, I was in the inpatient room. I was like going to bed, he was in front of me. In front of the mattress", she said.

Irma realized her consciousness had not fully recovered after the surgery. So it could be a hallucination.

"His name has also just finished the operation, but yes do not sleep. Sleep that doesn't really sleep and I saw him. I'm saying 'Pah you're here'. I greet him with a smile. Put on his shirt, too, Jack Mania's jacket. I saw it orange", said Sapri Pantun's wife.

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