JAKARTA - Aging on the skin is not only caused by sun exposure. Although this is the most common cause, without realizing it, some simple things will be explained below.
Consuming lots of sweet foods
Not only widening the waist circumference, but a lot of consumption of sweet foods also causes the glycation process to damage elasticity and collagen in the skin. This will cause skin wrinkles. So, enjoy sweet foods in moderation so as not to affect your health or appearance.
Excessive exercise
Instead of getting a healthy body, excessive exercise actually has a bad effect on many things. Including making the skin loose. More specifically, you don't need to jog too much so as not to damage the collagen.
Experts suggest that do running sports that are short and according to ability so that they do not affect facial skin.
Forget to change pillowcases
Changing pillowcases regularly minimizes clogging of pores. Because cotton pillowcases can accommodate dirt, oil, and the remnants of skincare products, causing problems on facial skin.
Recommended pillowcases are silk or satin. Cotton pillowcases absorb moisture from the skin. Even if you wear cotton pillowcases, make sure the bedroom temperature is neutral and that you need to change them regularly.
Wrong makeup
Makeup provides a visual effect to make you look more charming. But if you choose the wrong tone, it will have the opposite effect.
Drinking too much alcohol
Even though wine of a certain size is good for health, too much of it will not benefit your skin. As reported by Shape Magazine, Monday, April 26, alcohol can trigger the appearance of rosacea, acne, and wrinkles on facial skin.
Often experience stress
Stress at a safe level can increase alertness and improve performance. However, when stress is out of control, it can adversely affect both physically and mentally. The smallest thing that is experienced can reduce collagen.
The biggest thing, experiencing stress has the risk of chronic disease, depression, being unable to focus until experiencing anxiety.
Bad sleeping habits
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An erratic sleep schedule can worsen your skin condition. Elma Baron of the Ohio Skin Study Center at the University Hospitals Case Medical Center conducted a study and found that women who are sleep deprived show signs of premature skin aging.
Therefore, set the hours of sleep and get enough sleep every day.
Low fat diet
As reported by Allwomenstalk, there are types of fat that are good for the body. Fat can help reduce inflammation in rosacea and eczema. In fact, fat can reduce the risk of developing acne.
Dry air
During the dry season or rainy season, cold and dry air makes the skin also absorb moisture. According to Total Beauty, decreased skin moisture is prone to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
To minimize the last problem, hydrate the skin and drink lots of mineral water. Use a moisturizer and cover your head to your face so you don't get direct sun exposure.
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