JAKARTA - Director Yandy Laurens presents the film 1 Brother 7 Ponakan as the opening in early 2025. As the title implies, this film is an adaptation of the soap opera in the 90s by Arswendo Atmowiloto.
Yandy's desire to develop a story in the medium of the film has actually crossed his mind since 7 years ago. At that time, he met Arswendo Atmowiloto to work on the film Keluarga Cemara which became his first work.
"I always believe that adaptation does not want to see in shape the translation continues but what is always told is the original storyteller's heart so that when I take over the medium I don't miss," said Yandy Laurens in an interview session on Thursday, January 17.
"(The soap opera) is 64 episodes, how to choose a plot, yes, we can imagine that there is a big magnet to choose which is attached to the story as a whole," he said.
More than that, Yandy's efforts to work on the story are also an effort to understand the contents of the creator. He also got the green light to work on 1 Brother 7 Ponakan.
'Starting from talking to Mas Arswendo when making the Cemara Family. I call the Cemara Family like the child he gave birth to, creating. He wants to marry Yandi, so Mr. Arswendo is the analogous 'I already know your vision' and I want to marry him off,' said Yandy again.
1 Brother 7 Pon will develop a sandwich generation phenomenon in a broader meaning. By presenting this story, Yandy hopes that this film will be the way the audience understands the issue of sandwich generation, not only the side of the economy.
"This film is trying to understand the dilemma and I just understand self- pity because the terminologist sandwich is a very technical economic angle but also has a relationship," said Yandy.
"Of course there is a solution plot that is applied to respond to the situation but at the same time inner struggle creates the mind," he said.
1 Sister 7 Pon will be played by Chicco Kurniawan, Amanda Rawles, Niken Anjani, total JKT48, Kawai Labiba, Fatih Unru, Kiki Narendra, Maudy Koesnadi. The film 1 Brother 7 Pon will be shown in theaters starting January 23, 2025.
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