YOGYAKARTA Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from the outermost layer of the skin. Many people believe and do so to improve the appearance of the skin. But not a few do not do this treatment. To carry out safe exfoliation at home, here's how.

For mechanical exfoliation, it can be done by using a brush, sponge, or scrub. In the sole of the leg, for example, you can use a soft brush to remove a pile of dead skin cells. Well, for facial skin, it is safest to do it after receiving a recommendation from a doctor. Although not a few people try to exfoliate with a scrub, it is necessary to recognize that this could be at risk of making a skin wound. So, it's good to continue to evaluate what happens to the skin after doing certain types of care.

Types of dry skin, sensitive, or prone to acne may prefer to use waslap or light chemical exfoliators. Launching the American Academy of Dermatology Association, Wednesday, January 8, mechanical exfoliation may be too irritate for this type of skin. Oily and thick skin, perhaps more strongly, chooses mechanical exfoliation. However, avoid strong chemical or mechanical exfoliation for those with darker skin tones. Because more aggressive exfoliation shapes can cause black spots on the skin.

Some drugs and even products that are sold freely can cause the skin to become more sensitive or peel. Such as retinoid creams that are prescribed or products that contain retinol or benzoil peroxide. Exfoliating when using this product can worsen dry skin or even cause acne.

If you use a chemical scrub or exfoliator, apply the product gently with a small twist motion. Do this for about 30 seconds, then rinse with warm water. But never do mechanical exfoliation when the skin is injured, there are burns, or when the skin is burned.

The exfoliation makes the skin dry. Apply moisturizer as soon as exfoliate to keep the skin healthy and hydrated.

How often exfoliate depends on skin type and exfoliation method. Generally, the more aggressive the exfoliation, the more rarely it needs to be done. Be careful not to do excessive exfoliation because it can cause red skin and delivery.

That's an explanation of how to do safe exfoliation at home. Please note, exfoliation is not always suitable for any skin type. Sensitive skin, you have to consult a dermatologist so that it is not risky. As for normal skin type, oily or combination, as long as done properly, it may provide benefits.

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