JAKARTA - Lupus symptoms in everyone may be different. Therefore, a specialist in internal medicine consultants with clinical immunology allergy at the University of Indonesia Prof. Dr. dr. Heru Sundaru Sp.PD K-AI said there were several symptoms that should be suspected of being lupus.

These symptoms can also be used as a reference for immediately checking with a doctor.

"Initial symptoms that need to be watched out for are symptoms of fever, fatigue, weight loss, joint muscle pain, skin disorders or mucose are mucus membranes, there are joints," Heru said as quoted by Antara.

Everyone can experience different symptoms and no combination of certain symptoms has become a marker of lupus. Lupus symptoms can also involve other organs such as lungs, blood, liver and runoff.

Lupus needs to be suspected, especially in young women with the involvement of symptoms of two or more organs, whose cause and history of lupus in the family cannot be explained.

He said excessive fatigue or fatigue according to surveys abroad was the cause of lupus by 50 percent or more. Patients with lupus will also experience weight loss and what is also most often found are skin symptoms that are typical or called butterfly Rash.

The main skin symptoms are what are called butterfly rash or redness around the cheeks and nose in the form of a butterfly. Sensitive to sunlight, there is sariawan, sabotage sometimes, the ends of the nails are pale or blue, there are bleeding patches, it can also be itching, "he said.

Heru said, if there is any suspicion of lupus symptoms on the body, especially if it happens to women, follow-up will be carried out immediately. There is no special test to diagnose lupus, but the doctor will get a diagnosis through a combination of physical examinations, blood tests, urinosis and patient medical history.

Blood tests can be carried out by examining ANA (Anti-Nuclear Antibody) to detect auto-antibodies on the organs of the body. This is aimed at cell proteins inside the antibody because they attack their own bodies and attack organs that cause inflammation and damage.

However, this ANA examination does not necessarily mean that a patient must suffer from lupus because a positive ANA can be found in other autoimmune diseases. The results of ANA by the doctor will be interpreted based on clinical history if there are symptoms of lupus sugestive such as redness of butterfly rash, joint pain, sabotage, or repeated miscarriage.

It can be said that if the lupus is active, 95 percent is usually positive for the ANA. However, it should be remembered that ANA is positive, not automatically means it is diagnosed. Because only 11-35 percent of people with positive ANA suffer from lupus. ANA positive can be found in other autoimmune diseases. And even 15 percent of healthy people can have positive ANA," he explained.

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