JAKARTA - Celebrity Nikita Mirzani is tired of the alleged immoral case committed by Vadel Badjideh against his daughter, LM. He felt tired because the process he went through to find the suspect behind this case took a long time.
"The Laura case is actually tired when you talk about this case. Because the process is so long. This is not an easy case, it is not a murder or rape case that is easy to immediately arrest the suspect," said Nikita Mirzani in the Cempaka Putih area, Central Jakarta, Monday, 9 December.
"So that there is no gap, the witnesses of 16 are examined one by one. Incidentally, doctors are also professional doctors," he continued.
However, Nikita argued that she already knew about her child's status in this case, which she did not want to open now.
"Actually, I already know what my son's status is, but I can't tell you yet," said Nikita Mirzani.
The mother of 3 children said that after her daughter was examined, Vadel Badjideh would be summoned again by the investigators.
After that, it is known whether the lover of his daughter will really become a suspect or not.
"If the summons really has to be called again, right, the BAP will last, to increase his status. As a suspect or not, it will be the last time. I think it will be next week," he said.
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