BENGKULU - Mukomuko Regency Government (Pemkab) in Bengkulu Province immediately held a meeting with the regional leadership coordination forum (FKPD) to find solutions to face the threat of tiger and human conflicts in their area.
The plan for this meeting was shortly after a resident and one cow in Teras Terunjam District, Mukomuko, were killed by a tiger.
"We will have a meeting with the Mukomuko FKPD consisting of the TNI, Polri, BKSDA, Basarnas, and BPBD on Monday (January 13)," said Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Mukomuko Regency Abdiyanto when contacted from Mukomuko, Friday, January 10, confiscated by Antara.
Previously, a resident of Teras Terunjam Subdistrict named Ibnu Oktavianto (22) was found dead in Ari Cahyono's oil palm plantation on Tuesday, January 7, at around 23.30 WIB.
Then, one cow belonging to Deden Nurjamil, a resident of Mekar Jaya Village, Teras Terunjam District, which borders Tunggal Jaya Village, was found dead as a result of being eaten by a tiger.
Regarding the problem of tigers that are a threat in this area, according to the Regional Secretary, the local government has collected what is the concern of the residents.
According to him, this problem has been discussed with friends from various related agencies, and it seems that local governments need to take steps such as night patrols so that there is calmness of residents from the threat of tigers.
However, according to Abdiyanto, his party has not stepped there, because local governments need coordination with various related parties from the TNI and the police.
"We invite them to jointly build a post and invite local residents to implement an environmental security post," he said.
According to him, part of the solution is to go there in addition to forming a team to handle wild animals and activating environmental security posts in areas where tiger threats are threatened.
He said the security post would operate until the threat of tigers is lost and people can carry out their activities as usual.
For this reason, he said, his party needs to think about the operational costs of the security post which will be filled with work units within the local government, namely the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).
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