JAKARTA - Content creator Ria Ricis said that she was building a luxury house which she would later inherit to her daughter, Moana.

"That's right, it was deliberately for him (Moana). So if for example it's already big, I can pass it on to Moana," said Ria Ricis in the Sudirman area, Central Jakarta, Saturday, December 7.

Ria Ricis said that the concept of home itself prioritizes comfort from her daughter so that later it can be used by Moana to grow up.

"Confused (the concept), we make it mediocre, the important thing is comfortable for Moana. Because I can be said that 60-70 percent of it is a toy for all of them. A playground, a comfortable bed, a comfortable place to study, everything for him," said Ria Ricis.

Until now the house is still in the process of being worked on. Ricis revealed that his luxury house will be completed in mid-2025.

"The process is still far away, it's still 40-30 percent, because we are still working on the pool part first, not yet, not even on the 2nd floor," explained Ria Ricis.

"Amen ya Allah (2025 rumah baru), kemungkinan kata pemikisnya sih (rumahnya jadi) kalau enggak Juni, Juli. Semua tergantung ya saya, doain ya," harap Ria Ricis.

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