YOGYAKARTA When menstruation is almost over, usually dirty blood loss will decrease and even stop. Some people think that having sex during the last menstruation does not trigger certain impacts. But do you know the side effects of having sex during the last menstruation?

Quoted from AI Care, menstruation occurs when the uterine layer decays. During menstruation, menstrual blood will come out which contains tissue and fluids. The blood will flow from the uterus through the cervix, until it comes out of the body through the vagina.

Menstruasi sendiri biasanya berlangsung selama 3 hingga 7 hari. Blood mens akan semakin berkurang banyak seiring dengan berakhirnya masa berharap. Di masa-age berakhirnya mens sebagian orang mungkin mengangkap tidak ada risiko tertentu jika mereka melakukan hubungan badan.

On the other hand, it must be noted that having sex when menstrual blood is not fully clean can trigger certain risks, whether related to health, pregnancy, or comfort. The following are the side effects of sexual intercourse when menstruation has not been fully completed.

The risk that a person may experience when having sex while still in a mens period is contracting a sexually transmitted infection (IMS). IMS is potentially experienced by women who are caused by bacterial vaginosis.

Meanwhile, in terms of men, there is a risk of developing a fungal infection. When the infection occurs, the penis's head will be inflamed and trigger discomfort and pain.

Approaching the completion of menstruation period, menstrual blood remains potentially out. Sexual relationships that are carried out when menstrual blood is not completely clean will trigger discomfort. Even menstrual blood can suddenly come out in the middle of an intimate relationship. Therefore, sexual intercourse is recommended when menstruation is completely complete.

Even though having sex when mens has a very small risk of pregnancy, it does not mean that this risk cannot occur.

As is known, during menstruation the uterine layer undergoes decay. However, did you know that sperm can survive for five days in the vagina? That time is more than enough for sperm to produce new egg cells that appear after menstruation.

Having sex during menstruation is actually not absolutely prohibited. Even these activities help relieve stomach cramps, shorten the mens period, and gain more sexual experience than normal days.

In order to maintain a safe sexual relationship during menstruation, there are several tips that can be considered, namely as follows.

The use of condoms is highly recommended when you have sex in the middle of menstruation. Condoms will help drain the risk of developing an IMS and prevent pregnancy.

Before having sex, try to clean the vagina. You can rinse your vagina with soap to remove the remaining blood on the vaginal wall.

The intensity of blood coming out of the uterus on the last day of menstruation will be much reduced. That way, sexual activity is relatively more comfortable to do at that time.

Those are some side effects related during the last menstrual period. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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