YOGYAKARTA - Many people often ignore back practice in the gym, even though back muscles have a very important role in supporting daily activities.
Unfortunately, not a few also do back practice with the wrong technique, so the results are less than optimal and even have the potential to cause injury. For this reason, through this article, the correct training guidelines will be discussed.
At first glance, the T-bar row may look like a bent-over row variation, but the difference in magnitude you can use a heavier load. You can also choose the position and width of the handle.
The wide handle emphasizes lats more, while the neutral handle targets the center of the back (rhomboids, teas, and traps). The following is a variation of T-bar row for the growth of your back:
Tips: do this exercise at the beginning of practice, especially if you want to use a heavy load. Because it's lighter for the lower back, you can do it after the deadlifts, but pay attention to the right form.
If you find it difficult to keep your back straight, then use a chest-supported row may be a better choice.
Recent research shows that the use of a neutral handle closer, can activate a similar latt with a regular handle. This guide also allows a longer range of movement and longer time under pressure for lats, which is excellent for building back muscles.
Tips: slow down the repetition tempo, press hard at the bottom of each repetition, and let's stretch well at the top. As for the variation of the pull-down lat for back growth as follows:
This exercise is effectively used as a muscle mass development exercise, preferably placed in the middle or end of your training for the set of 8-12 repetitions. This exercise is also good as a final movement.
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Why is this exercise important? Unlike any variety of free loads here, the set row maintains constant tension throughout the movement.
Plus, lots of gyms have various handles that you can clip into a set cable row by carabiner. This will give you all kinds of wide and narrow handles and different hand positions. Here's a variation of the set row for back growth:
Like other fitness machines, the cable can load quite a load without burdening you too much.
This exercise is best done at the end of your training session, so don't be afraid to do a slightly higher repetition, such as 10-12 or even 12-15 repetition.
Then hard & heavy is one of the classic back training methods for beginners who focus on the heavy compound movement, and end with a high pull-over repetition.
This exercise is the perfect main dish before switching to bisep or triceps exercises, here's an example:
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