JAKARTA - Nikita Mirzani has finished undergoing further BAP related to the alleged immoral report against Vadel Badjideh.
In this examination, Nikita, who was examined for approximately 2 hours, was questioned with 58 questions from investigators.
"Nikita has just finished the examination, there are 58 questions and everything has been explained. From the results of these questions, all these problems are increasingly open," said Fahmi Bachmid at the South Jakarta Police, Wednesday, October 30.
Fahmi explained that the questions raised by investigators were about the incident that Nikita Mirzani reported to Vadel.
"This means when it happened, using what, everything has been explained by Nikita. There are 58 questions. The evidence was submitted because there were several recordings of the conversation that were part of the examination, all of them were conveyed," continued Fahmi Bachmid.
"In addition to several questions, Niki also conveyed witnesses who knew about this matter. But I have to protect the witnesses, I can't leak them," he added.
Responding to this, the mother of three children said she was relieved because she was just waiting for Vadel Badjideh to be called back by investigators.
"Alhamdulillah, I'm relieved, finished, there is no more BAP. It's finished, just waiting for the reported person," said Nikita Mirzani.
Nikita also said that during the examination all questions could be answered properly so that everything went smoothly.
"No, it's smooth, because everything is known, right. Just ask questions answered. That's all. Everything is smooth," he said.
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