YOGYAKARTA Cyclone eggs are one of the sources of protein that is often consumed because of their small size and taste quite delicious. Many people likete eggs as snacks, side dishes, or additional certain dishes. One of the questions that often arise is how long does it take to boil eagle eggs?

The duration of boiling cyclone eggs is shorter than chicken eggs, because this type of egg has a smaller size. If you boil it too long, the texture can get too hard, while if it's not long enough, the yellow part can still be raw. Therefore, it is important to know the right time to boil eggs in order to get the desired level of maturity.

The time to boil the eggs depends on the desired level of maturity. If you want to be completely mature, then the eggs must be boiled for 12 minutes.

Summarized from various sources, the following is the duration of boiling cyclone eggs to get the desired level of maturity:

By knowing how long the egg boils, you can get a texture and level of maturity that suits your taste.

The following are guidelines that you can follow to boil eggs:

That's information about how long it will take to boil eucalyptus. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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