JAKARTA - Kristen Stewart says there are a number of ways Steven Yeun does to strengthen chemistry when the two are both competing roles in the latest film, Love Me.

The 34-year-old film star often gets funny videos from Steven. Steven also revealed this.

"I've been sending Christian strange animal videos for a while. What do I send you?," Steven Yeun said in an interview session, quoted from the TikTok account @cinemablend, Sunday, February 2.

Kristen said that Steven was indeed a friend in the real world. But rarely communicates.

"Yes, that's funny, because we don't, like we are true friends in the real world. But, you know, we don't, like talking constantly," Christian said.

The player of the Twilight film also admitted that his chemistry was helped to wake up after Steven often suddenly sent funny videos suddenly for no reason whatsoever.

"And then, like, there's a period where he's going to send memes that really don't have a context, which should be funny and funny, I think," he added.

However, initially Kristen was confused by Steven's attitude because she didn't exist because she suddenly sent a video.

"But I was like, 'What's going on with you?'," he said.

Steven admitted that he immediately got the idea of sharing funny videos with Christians every time he saw them on social media.

"I was like rolling out, and I would say, 'That's funny. Christian, he's going to love this'," said Steven.

The film Love Me, starring Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun, has been released in theaters in the United States since January 31 yesterday.

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