JAKARTA - Ashira Zamita finally released her first EP entitled "Diari". This album tells of emotional journeys about romance and the search for identity.

Through five meaningful songs, this EP is a reflection of Ashira's personal journey, conveying an honest and emotional love story. In this EP too, Ashira reveals her previous experiences and reveals her vulnerable side with the title 'Diari'.

"I want to tell you about what happened in my love life, what I feel, and what I've experienced," said Ashira in a press release received by VOI, January 31. Each song in this EP reflects a different phase in love, from confusion to acceptance.

The process of working on this EP lasted almost a year, starting with the first song "The Perkasa" which was created in February 2023. In this mini album Ashira collaborated with two producers, S/EEK and Petra Sihombing, which gave a different touch to each song. One of the flagship songs, "Pasrah", which is the focus of the track, tells about feelings of affection after a relationship full of lies and false promises.

Being a series of stories, all elements in this EP, including music videos and visualizers, are interconnected in one love journey narrative. Ashira admits that she is very involved in the creative process, from concepts to visual designs, ensuring that every detail represents her feelings to the fullest.

Starting from track 01 with the title End What?' which represents my contemplation about loneliness, to track 05 with the title Pasrah which seems to answer a question on track 01. That's why the first track is given the title What end? use a question mark, and answer it on the final track ; the answer is Pasrah said Ashira.

Ashira said, 'Diari' is not just a personal work, but also for anyone who is looking for the meaning of true love. "EP is for those of you who are still looking for love and identity. Often in the process of searching for your identity, said Ashira again, in the form of a cycle. And the cycle will continue to repeat itself. Hopefully these songs can accompany your search process," said Ashira.

He hopes that EP Diari can be a good starting point for his career in the music industry. "I really want this work not just to share my instruments, but for everyone who is related and needs media to express their heart, they can also use my songs," he hoped.

The following is the EP tracklist "Diari" from Ashira Zamita:

1. End What? 2. King & Ratu3. Si Perkasa4. 1 out of 10005. Pasrah (FOCUS TRACK)

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